
Check box for new employee requirements

Is there a way to create a ticket template or process that allows users to select what items their new employee needs access to? Example, can we create several radial or check boxes for the manager to select if the employee needs access to that application. What would be even better, can I force a process to create a child ticket for the items that the manager selected? 

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 3 years ago
Red Belt

it is possible to create a view like this within a ticket, it will usually mean that you will need to use more than the 15 custom fields that are there as default. As for creating the child tickets to then use that data, that is really not possible, as it is not possible to select which tickets to create based on the data. The process is actually static once made live, the only way we have managed to achieve this type of functionality is to always create the child tickets, so lets say that is 4 tickets, transfer the data into the child tickets and identify, from the data which ones are not needed then close them straightaway. This just leaves the child tickets in place that require action.

Suffice to say this is not run of the mill user configuration and you will need some level of help to achieve your goal.

  • Thank you for answering, that is what I have configured currently. Once we launch a process, it opens several tickets and fills all the info in according to the parent and assigns them to the correct tech. We had the same method on our previous service desk but I was trying to make this process "smarter" to clear up the unneeded tickets. - dnapier6770 3 years ago
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