
Custom Inventory Rule User Login History

My custom inventory rule:


ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c powershell.exe -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -noprofile -file "\\\client\logonactivityajs.ps1")\\




# Variables

# Path for HTML file output

$htmlfile = ".\LogonActivity.html"


# Table Creation

$LogonActivityTable = New-Object system.Data.DataTable “Logon/Logoff Activity”


# Create Columns

$date = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn "Date",([string])

$type = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn "Type",([string])

$status = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn "Status",([string])

$user = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn "User",([string])

$ipaddress = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn "IPAddress",([string])


# Add Columns to Table







$hostname = $env:computername


$startDate = "1/1/2000"


$endDate = get-date

$scope = "N"

# Writes a line with all the parameters selected for report

write-host "Hostname: "$hostname "`tStart: "$startDate "`tEnd: "$endDate "`tOnly Failed Logins: "$scope "`n"

# Store each event from the Security Log with the specificed dates and computer in an array

$log = Get-Eventlog -LogName Security -ComputerName $hostname -after $startDate -before $endDate


# Loop through each security event, print only failed login attempts

if ($scope -match "Y"){

    foreach ($i in $log){

        # Logon Failure Events

        # Local

        if (($i.EventID -eq 4625 ) -and ($i.ReplacementStrings[10] -eq 2)){

            # Create a Row

            $row = $LogonActivityTable.NewRow()


            # Enter Data into the Row

            $row.date =  $i.TimeGenerated

            $row.type =  "Logon - Local"

            $row.status =  "Failure"

            $row.user =  $i.ReplacementStrings[5]

            $row.ipaddress = ""


            # Add the Row to the Table



        # Remote

        if (($i.EventID -eq 4625 ) -and ($i.ReplacementStrings[10] -eq 10)){

            # Create a Row

            $row = $LogonActivityTable.NewRow()


            # Enter Data into the Row

            $row.date =  $i.TimeGenerated

            $row.type =  "Logon - Remote"

            $row.status =  "Failure"

            $row.user =  $i.ReplacementStrings[5]

            $row.ipaddress = $i.ReplacementStrings[19]


            # Add the Row to the Table





# Loop through each security event, print all login/logoffs with type, date/time, status, account name, and IP address if remote


    foreach ($i in $log){

        # Logon Successful Events

        # Local (Logon Type 2)

        if (($i.EventID -eq 4624 ) -and ($i.ReplacementStrings[8] -eq 2)){

            # Create a Row

            $row = $LogonActivityTable.NewRow()


            # Enter Data into the Row

            $row.date =  $i.TimeGenerated

            $row.type =  "Logon - Local"

            $row.status =  "Success"

            $row.user =  $i.ReplacementStrings[5]

            $row.ipaddress = ""


            # Add the Row to the Table



        # Remote (Logon Type 10)

        if (($i.EventID -eq 4624 ) -and ($i.ReplacementStrings[8] -eq 10)){

            # Create a Row

            $row = $LogonActivityTable.NewRow()


            # Enter Data into the Row

            $row.date =  $i.TimeGenerated

            $row.type =  "Logon - Remote"

            $row.status =  "Success"

            $row.user =  $i.ReplacementStrings[5]

            $row.ipaddress = $i.ReplacementStrings[18]


            # Add the Row to the Table




        # Logon Failure Events

        # Local

        if (($i.EventID -eq 4625 ) -and ($i.ReplacementStrings[10] -eq 2)){

            # Create a Row

            $row = $LogonActivityTable.NewRow()


            # Enter Data into the Row

            $row.date =  $i.TimeGenerated

            $row.type =  "Logon - Local"

            $row.status =  "Failure"

            $row.user =  $i.ReplacementStrings[5]

            $row.ipaddress = ""


            # Add the Row to the Table



        # Remote

        if (($i.EventID -eq 4625 ) -and ($i.ReplacementStrings[10] -eq 10)){

            # Create a Row

            $row = $LogonActivityTable.NewRow()


            # Enter Data into the Row

            $row.date =  $i.TimeGenerated

            $row.type =  "Logon - Remote"

            $row.status =  "Failure"

            $row.user =  $i.ReplacementStrings[5]

            $row.ipaddress = $i.ReplacementStrings[19]


            # Add the Row to the Table




        # Logoff Events

        if ($i.EventID -eq 4647 ){

            # Create a Row

            $row = $LogonActivityTable.NewRow()


            # Enter Data into the Row

            $row.date =  $i.TimeGenerated

            $row.type =  "Logoff"

            $row.status =  "Success"

            $row.user =  $i.ReplacementStrings[1]

            $row.ipaddress = ""


            # Add the Row to the Table






# Outputs

# Table

if ($output -match "T"){

    $LogonActivityTable | Format-Table




elseif ($output -match "H"){

    # HTML Styles

    $style = "<style>"

    $style = $style + "BODY{background-color:#F2F2F2;}"

    $style = $style + "TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}"

    $style = $style + "TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:#BDBDBD}"

    $style = $style + "TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:#D8D8D8}"

    $style = $style + "</style>"


    $LogonActivityTable | Select-Object Date, Type, Status, User, IPAddress | ConvertTo-Html -head $style -body "<h2>Logon Activity:</h2>" | Out-File $htmlfile

    Invoke-Expression $htmlfile



# Grid View

elseif ($output -match "G"){

    $LogonActivityTable | Out-GridView -Title "Logon Activity"



# Default output, returns the table object in list form by default





  • Custom Inventory rules run as system so did you give all computer accounts access to the share your script is hosted on? - chucksteel 10 years ago
  • My script is hosted within the KACE Samba share. - revsmitty 10 years ago
  • I just wanted to say thank you for being willing to post this script. I know it must have taken a lot of time to go through and match the required events and parameters up to be able to export it out as usable. So thanks! - gcgreen 7 years ago
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