***As of version 6.0 the DPInst task (needed to install drivers in Windows XP and Windows Vista) is no longer automatically assigned. If you don't need the task, remove it from your image list, this will remove one reboot from your image. The DPInst task can be added to an image manually if needed!
Many tasks have changed in 3.6 and moved from one .bat file into separate tasks.
When an image has the driver feed box checked, the dpinst command is automatically added to the deployment to account for Windows XP images. The task won't do anything in Windows 7 and higher because no drivers were copied into the KACE directory for dpinst to use, except for the fact that it has a "Reboot" assigned to it and this has affected many unattend.xml autologon count issues. If you aren't deploying XP, this task isn't really needed, but since it doesn't hurt anything, all we really need is to remove the reboot.
Download the remove_dpinst_reboot.zip file and decompress the file.
*Note: you must be a member of the K2000 ITNinja Community to download this file.
Browse to Settings and Maintenance | Package Management | Import K2000 Packages. From the choose action drop down menu select "Upload Package for Import" and select the .pkg file from the decompressed download.
This is a mid-level Windows Script Task.
Is this package works also with K2000 v3.7?
Thanks in advance - pg_fr_69 9 years ago
-Corey - cserrins 9 years ago