- Deployments to a workstation without an Operating System, read the link above for a full description
- Harvest or extract executible drivers and upload to the K2000.
- Designed to check permissions and configurations required for the Online USMT Scan to complete successfully
- Tasks to help change the contents of unattend.xml based on administrator needs.
- Script that allows deployment of a default image/scripted install to machines
- Script that will export profiles and .zip them up with a script to deploy them with a K1 or K2
- Script to show the driver feed path of a workstation, via the K1000 or K2000
- Tasks that provide a solution to upgrading a workstation to Windows 10 using the K2000
- A script that will copy the files necessary into USMT so that a Windows 7 deployment is successful with loadstate
- Modify the task timeout period of each task on version 3.6 or higher.
Using the K2000 UltraVNC during Windows Post Install Tasks - See more at: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/using-the-k2000-ultravnc-during-windows-post-install-tasks#sthash.ZdF4KBXW.dpuf
Using the K2000 UltraVNC during Windows Post Install Tasks
- Be able to remote into Windows during Windows PO Tasks
- Pre Installation task that will dismiss the errors when deploying a Windows 7 SI with WinPE4/5
Disable the DPInst Reboot for Windows 7 or higher Images that use driverfeed
- disables the reboot for dpinst since it is not needed for Windows 7 or higher
Using the K2000 UltraVNC during Windows Post Install Tasks - See more at: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/using-the-k2000-ultravnc-during-windows-post-install-tasks#sthash.ZdF4KBXW.dpuf
Kace Appliance Package Export Report
- Creates an .html report of exported packages.
Automatically Naming a Macintosh Computer using the K2000
- A script that behaves similarly to wsname for Windows.
Maintain KUID of a Macintosh System using the K2000.
- capture the kuid of a Macintosh system and put it back to the workstation as a midlevel task.
- A script to either maintain screen resolution from each workstation, or assign a new one.
- ***This tool has been deprecated, all functionality has been moved into the official Kace Media Manager starting with version 7.0
- Allows for manipulation of KBE that is uploaded to your K2000, including assigning static IP, adding ADSI, ODBC, DCCTK, Command | Configure, .Net4, Powershell, adding custom DOS commands, or uploading custom .wim/.iso's.
Set Autologon Count (Discontinued
- ***This tool has been deprecated, all functionality has been moved into the official Kace SDA
- Change the autologon count in an unattend file of a sysprepped image
Sysprep Creator Wizard (Discontinued)
- ***This tool has been deprecated, all functionality has been moved into the official Kace SDA starting with version 8.0
- Walks user through creating an unattend file for Windows 7/8/10
Get/Set ComputerName (Discontinued)
- ***This tool has been deprecated, all functionality has been moved into the official Kace SDA starting with version 8.0
- Allows saving of computername from workstations or apply new names.
- ***This tool has been deprecated, all functionality has been moved into the official Kace SDA starting with version 5.0
- An .html overview of your SDA (version 3.6 and higher) that you can identify issues and link to appropriate KB articles
Kace Streaming WIM Toolkit (Discontinued)
- ***This tool has been deprecated, all functionality has been moved into the official Kace SDA
- Toolkit that allows deployment of K2000 captured wims to be streamed