
KACE Native Imaging Toolkit K2000 v.3.4 ONLY

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KACE Native Imaging Toolkit

***This article is outdated and should no longer be used.  All users wanting to use Native Imaging should upgrade to k2000 version 3.5 or higher.  Article is left here for legacy purposes only.


Legacy deployment tools have their own proprietary image formats.  Legacy tools usually require the installation of OS vendor servers from Microsoft or Apple to take advantage of the standard images; which have obsoleted legacy proprietary formats.  The Limted Release* of the KACE Native Imaging Toolkit, also referred to as knit, allows unfettered use of WIM and DMG images directly from the K2000 itslef.  This give our customers the ability to pick the right tool for the job while retaining the K2000's easy-to-use centralized capture and decntralized deployment architecture.  Customers who have time-sesitive deployments may wish to try the KACE Native Imaging Toolkit.  Native images can be faster to deploy in some circumstances.

You can download KNIT here (KACE support credentials required).  Full documentation is included.
This is for K2000, v. 3.4 ONLY.

This video series will go in depth of all the processes necessary to implement the KACE Native Imaging Toolkit on your K2000 and is similar to the documentation.



* Limited Release tools are our way of giving customers access to KACE innovation more quickly.  Limited Release tools are free add-ons customers can download from the KACE support website and add to their product.  You can think of them as "concept cars" containing features we may integrate into the product at a future date. If you like to have multiple tools at hand to tackle a problem and use your technical judgement on which tool is appropriate in a particular circumstance, you are likely to get value out of Limited Release tools.


  • Thanks for the great video! - muebel 12 years ago
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