
1603 Error - Apple Mobile Device MSI

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Hi I've written a script that installs iTunes silently, but I receive a 1603 error when it trys to install the Apple Mobile Device MSI.

I think I've found out how to fix it using the following method,


But how do you change the launch identity if the InstallDrive? I'm having trouble finding the option.

To resolve this problem you may use C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCOMCNFG.EXE to change the launch identity of "InstallShield InstallDriver" and "InstallShield InstallDriver String Table" to "Launching user".

Any help will be appreciated.



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Answers (6)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Forget using DCOMCNFG for this, it's much less complicated than you think. You just need to remove the value in the Registry table via your response transform.
Posted by: shenmue232 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi VBScab, thanks for your help on this. How would I remove the value in the registry? what key do I need to modify?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
You need to use an MSI editing tool (e.g. InstEdit or Orca) to create a transform and apply that transform against the MSI at deployment time.

I'm afraid I don't have the time to enumerate the steps for you but, in essence, you would:

- Open the ISScript MSI (note that this is the culprint, not one of the Apple MSIs)
- Locate and delete the offending registry entry "Launching User"
- Save the change to a transform file (MST)
- Run MSIExec to deploy (note that TRANSFORMS must be plural and in upper-case):
MSIEXEC /I [path_to_and_name_of_MSI] TRANSFORMS="[path_to_and_name_of_MST] /L*V %temp%\ISScript_Install.log
Posted by: shenmue232 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
Where is the ISScript MSI? Also do you know what the steps were for DCOMCNFG?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Where is the ISScript MSI? It will have been extracted along with the other MSIs. Also do you know what the steps were for DCOMCNFG?No, sorry, I don't. I try to avoid command-line tools where possible, using script to achieve the required result with much greater flexibility and error-handling.And to pre-empt your next question, no, I don't have a script for this because I have always done it the correct way - with a transform applied to the MSI.
Posted by: shenmue232 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
I see, thanks for all your help on this VBScab.
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