
Adding japanese language support to windows xp?

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has ne1 made a package that will add japanese language support to windows xp?

to do this you go to regional settings in control panel, click languages tab, tick the box "install east asian languages" then it installs it from the xp cd

then you just add what language you want, in this case japanese, and then you can switch from english and japanese, and write in both characters.

any ideas? or any1 done this befiore?


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Answers (7)

Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
Depending on how the OS was built in the first place will decide on how you attempt this.

If you used an Unattended build and didnt include the Japanese files in the build then you may have to start from scratch.

It isnt as simple as selecting the language settings in Control Panel because Kenji fonts will need to be loaded and they are on the Kenji version CD of XP and not the standard OEM CD.
Posted by: plangton 20 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Hi MSIMaker,

I'm also curios, assuming that you setup windows xp from a share which users have access to, is there a way of silently deploying the Japanese support? I've designed a couple of Japanese SOE's and, for various reasons, done them as seperate SOE's (installed from Japanese XP CD's etc), but it might be handy to know how to install the Japanese support on top silently (I know how to do it via the control panel etc).


Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
Hi Plangton,

You might be able to slipstream the files into the i386 folder, but i have never tried this.

I'm almost sure that you need the Kenji version CD to do the install. One of the guys here at work tried to do it and he didnt have much luck until he got the correct language version CD from MS.
Posted by: pjohnson 20 years ago
Orange Belt
To enable Japanese support manually on XP Pro, you need to enable "East Asian Font support" under the Regional Settings control panel applet. This will load the Japanese/Trad. Chinese/Simplified Chinese and Korean fonts into the OS from the i386 source.

This also loads the East Asian IME's (Input Method Editors), which is required to enter DBCS (double-byte character set) characters. You can check the IME settings under the keyboard control panel applet.

Since you are adding a feature to the XP OS, I am not sure you can do this via a package. But there might be a GPO setting to enable the 'East Asian Font Support'...

If you want full Japanese support (including Menus & Dialog boxes) you need to load the Japanese MUI (Multi-User Interface). The Japanese MUI can only load on XP Pro, and the cd's come only if you have registered with MS Select.

Our SOE's are setup this way and currently we support 4 Asian languages this way, with the core OS language being english.
Posted by: plangton 20 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Hi PJohnson,

Thanks for that, I haven't done it since Windows 98/NT and I need a refresher for my current position. Any jobs going over there in Tokyo? :)


Posted by: antun 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
thanks for the info
Posted by: plangton 20 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Hi MSIMaker,

Do just install the IME (the ability to read/write Japanese) you don't need the Japanese CD, the usual XP CD has the required components (at least it did here with my Windows XP Pro SP1 CD). There are two fonts installed, MS Mincho and MS Gothic.

For the Menus and dialogs that PJohnson refers to (the MUI) thats another purchase and can be installed over the top of standard windows (see http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/DrIntl/faqs/muifaq.mspx)

And I'm pretty sure its spelt Kanji just to be nitpicky :)


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