Admin Alert! poping on Apple Systems
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Is any one else is having this problem?
Seams like the Admin Alert! is showing up on some of our users every time the computer checks in. we are running the newest Agent (5.3.53177) and server (5.3.53053).
We had check, and there is nothing going on that require the admin alert to show up, there is no text msg, just the icon showing on the dock.
Seams like the Admin Alert! is showing up on some of our users every time the computer checks in. we are running the newest Agent (5.3.53177) and server (5.3.53053).
We had check, and there is nothing going on that require the admin alert to show up, there is no text msg, just the icon showing on the dock.
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Answers (9)
Answer Summary:
Open /Library/Application Support/Dell/KACE/bin/ in any text editor. At the end, before the add the following: LSUIElement The final result will look like this: NSPrincipalClass NSApplication LSUIElement For Scripting this fix on K1000:
Open /Library/Application Support/Dell/KACE/bin/ in any text editor. At the end, before the add the following: LSUIElement The final result will look like this: NSPrincipalClass NSApplication LSUIElement For Scripting this fix on K1000:
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Posted by:
13 years ago
Yes, they had confirmed that it is a bug with 10.5.8 systems, here is their work arround.
You'll need to create a shell script on your K1000 and modify the admin with adding a line on the plist.
This will copy a known-good working copy of to the agent folder location.
To get a known-good copy of, do the following:
Open /Library/Application Support/Dell/KACE/bin/ in any text editor.
At the end, before the </dict> add the following:
The final result will look like this:
ZIP the file and attach the to the shell script and deploy the script to the affected systems.
Give it a try, it should work, it is working for us.
You'll need to create a shell script on your K1000 and modify the admin with adding a line on the plist.
cd /Library/Application\ Support/Dell/KACE/data/kbots_cache/packages/kbots/51
unzip -q
rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/Dell/KACE/bin/
ditto -rsrc /Library/Application\ Support/Dell/KACE/bin/
This will copy a known-good working copy of to the agent folder location.
To get a known-good copy of, do the following:
Open /Library/Application Support/Dell/KACE/bin/ in any text editor.
At the end, before the </dict> add the following:
The final result will look like this:
ZIP the file and attach the to the shell script and deploy the script to the affected systems.
Give it a try, it should work, it is working for us.
Posted by:
12 years ago
There's no need to copy good Info.plist files or to manually add the additional key. The "defaults" command is your friend.
sudo defaults write /Library/Application\ Support/Dell/KACE/bin/ LSUIElement -bool TRUE; sudo chmod 755 ./Info.plist
I added the chmod to reset the file permissions, as sudo-ing the defaults command (necessary because only root has write permission for the file) changes the permissions to 700 (read-write-execute for root only).
Posted by:
13 years ago
Posted by:
13 years ago
Ok, I solved the problem by doing a command line uninstall:
a few hrs since this and nothing has appear.
In addition to that make sure that the Dell folder is gone from /Library/Application Support/. Restarted and remote installed the agent to the client, and yes looks like only some OS 10.5.8 is been affected.
Submitting a ticket to support to report the bug, or whatever it is [:D]
sudo rm -fr /var/kace/ /Library/KBOXAgent/ /Library/StartupItems/KBOXAgent/ "/Library/Receipts/KBOX Agent.pkg"
a few hrs since this and nothing has appear.
In addition to that make sure that the Dell folder is gone from /Library/Application Support/. Restarted and remote installed the agent to the client, and yes looks like only some OS 10.5.8 is been affected.
Submitting a ticket to support to report the bug, or whatever it is [:D]
Posted by:
13 years ago
Posted by:
13 years ago
Posted by:
13 years ago
Yes, users get annoyed by this icon appearing on the dock, for us, I did track it for check-in's and patching. The users were concerned about the IT doing something to their computers [:D] .
KACE support told me that it has not officially announced yet as a bug and that no new agent version will be released to fix this problem yet. But I'm sure that they are working out something to fix it, however their work around fix work just fine for us.
KACE support told me that it has not officially announced yet as a bug and that no new agent version will be released to fix this problem yet. But I'm sure that they are working out something to fix it, however their work around fix work just fine for us.
Posted by:
12 years ago
Posted by:
12 years ago
Just a heads up but this also rears it's head in OS 10.6 and 10.7
We are noticing the same thing on 10.6 at least. Has anyone heard whether there is a planned patch for KACE to handle this? - smaug_ca 12 years ago

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