
Adobe Photoshop CS2


Does anyone know how I can get rid of the "Adobe Updater Preferences" that shows up the first time you start Photoshop? I've tried to change the property ISCHECKFORPRODUCTUPDATES: to "0" but it doesn´t work.



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Answers (4)

Posted by: EDronen 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

You might have already figured this out, but I am new here, so i thought to write in anyways =)

To disable Adobe Updater:

1. Copy the following 3 lines and paste them into a Notepad document:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



2. Save the document as "DisableAUM_Updates.reg."
3. Close and then double-click this file, and the Windows registry will import this information automatically.

Note: If you have additional Adobe CS2 applications these steps will disable the Adobe Updater for all Adobe applications. It cannot be disabled per application.

Reference: http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/331261.html

The important part is the key... however you want to add it. I will have something posted for the complete install when I am done.

Hope all is well.

Posted by: MSIMike 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks a lot EDronen. That was easy

// MSIMike
Posted by: rodina00 18 years ago
Orange Belt
how do you do the steps mentioed above in a transform with an MSI?
Posted by: Shawnz 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
ORIGINAL: rodina00

how do you do the steps mentioed above in a transform with an MSI?

I'd think you can just add this registry key to the MSI. Create and import the .reg file if you must.

This works for Photoshop Elements 4.0 too [8D]
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