
Apple Application Support – latest version

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With each recent version of QuickTime and iTunes, it’s been necessary to have Apple Application Support installed. So today, installing QuickTime 7.7.2 on a PC with iTunes 10.6.3 installed, the AppleApplicationSupport.msi didn’t complete as there was a newer version installed. Now, I am led to believe that you should use the latest version of Apple Application Support, but this leads me to ask:

  1. Where’s the documentation that supports this? Maybe it could have something as handy as a download link for that msi.
  2. If the latest version is always the one to use, why does it bomb out by default? If a later version is found, just do nothing and move on

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Answers (3)

Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

  • Oh extracting AAS and installing it separately is no problem. The problems come where the version of AAS already installed prevents a new installation. - leegend 12 years ago
  • Oh extracting AAS and installing it separately is no problem. The problems come where the version of AAS already installed prevents a new installation. - leegend 12 years ago
  • If it is an old version then it will be upgraded, or you can check for the installation of AAS and if installed you can trigger an uninstall before installing the new one. - piyushnasa 12 years ago
  • I would open the AAS msi in something like Orca, and remove to LaunchCondition referring to a newer product being installed. It's what I had to do in order for it to deploy consistently in my environment. A transform didn't seem to work with that line. - DCITGuy 12 years ago
Posted by: RandomITPro 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

Yes, if it finds the same version, ie the version included with iTunes 10.6.3, it reports that a newer version is installed and bombs if your doing each msi at a time rather than the customer oreintated exe. I've never run into this on a large scale so I've never really come up with a fix. I think you'lll need to detect either the version of AppleApplicationSupport installed or check for the sister version of iTunes, in this case 10.6.3

  • No I haven't seen it on a large scale, but if I was to rollout iTunes 10.6.3 now and QuickTime 7.7.2 next week say, I'd have big problems with QuickTime. My biggest gripe is that there's no vendor doco - leegend 12 years ago
Posted by: jegolf 12 years ago
Red Belt

I create seperate Managed Installs for iTunes, Apple Application Support, Apple Mobile Device Support, and QuickTime. This has drastically reduced any issues once I separated them out. Use 7-Zip to unpackage the iTunes .exe and you will find all the needed .msi's.

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