
Automatic Login to Service Desk by users

I'm new to Kace and have been working the past week to setup the K1000 for our company. As I was instructed during one of the short training sessions I setup KBox Authentication for External LDAP Server Authentication and added 2 servers. One server was set for KBox Admins (MyADServer.company.com) and one server for Users (MyADServer.company.com). The Search Base & Search Filter for both were set and tested good. I then went to Service Desk and Imported all of our users into the Users section and assinged a role (users). The problem is that everytime a user wants to open a ticket they click the icon for KBox and it brings them to the logon screen where they have to enter their user name and password to log on. How can this be setup to automatically log on using AD?

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Answers (5)

Posted by: olav 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Unfortunately not listed as planned by Dell, but I added my opinion :)
Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
Passthrough authentication is not supported. Users need to authenticate using the regular credentials.
Posted by: olav 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Are there any plans to include this in the future?

  • Not that Dell are saying. - FaberO 12 years ago
Posted by: auscoit 13 years ago
Orange Belt
Yes there is -- check this link out:

  • That is disingenuous and misleading.
    The request for this feature is almost three years old now and it's stil listed as being under review - not even started. - FaberO 12 years ago
  • I can't update content and statuses on Uservoice, but I disagree that it's misleading. "Planned"is accurate according to the update from the product team says "The QAS team is in the process of extending their capabilities to work with FreeBSD, the K1000’s operating system. It’s early, but we are encouraged and are hopeful to have a solution implemented sometime this summer."

    That sounds pretty encouraging to me. That being said, I'm personally against SSO for any web tools- if you leave your machine unattended folks can get to way too much; IMHO people should know their passwords, and be challenged for them at the front doo to things. That's just my 2 cents- product team heard the community and is working hard to build SSO according to the update. - cblake 12 years ago
Posted by: ohiosoundguy 13 years ago
8th Degree Black Belt
I really think this should be added. Our previous ticket system auto-authenticated users and now users complain that they have to login every time they open the ticket system.

  • Yep, agreed.
    KACE service desk right now just can't compete with even two year old free technologies, like Microsoft SharePoint 2010.
    Sad. - FaberO 12 years ago
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