
Batch file to copy into c:\windows\inf

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When copying from the network into c:\windows\inf manually I need to copy the files to a local folder first, then copy from the local folder into the inf folder. I need to do this with a batch file, but it still errors even when the batch tries to copy from C:\tools\mydrivers\6440 to C:\windows\inf\mydrivers\6440 with Access denied.

How can I copy files from the network into C:\windows\inf?
This occurs as a mid-level task.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
Red Belt
here is my method to copy drivers as mid level.

create a zip file that contains the drivers you want to copy along with these 2 other files.

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "copy.bat",0,True
md C:\Windows\inf\tmccdrivers\t440p

xcopy .\t440p\*.* C:\Windows\inf\tmccdrivers\t440p /s /q /y

create a post application task

  • I was hoping you'd post your method. What is the reason you use a .vbs to call the .bat, instead of launching the .bat directly? - nheyne 10 years ago
    • you cannot upload a zip to a batch task but an application task will allow this. The application task is looking for an application to run not a batch file. So by calling a vbscript I give it that. you could write the vb script to do the md and xcopy command but a batch is easier to understand and change when needed. you can make the xcopy window show by changing the vb script - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
      • Ah, makes sense. Thanks for explaining! - nheyne 10 years ago
  • So far, I've gotten it to copy the top level folder, but it won't copy the driver files or sub folders. Any idea why it would only get the top folder out of the zip? - murbot 10 years ago
    • did you use a pattern like I did? and use the /s switch and you need the *.* in the pattern (there is a dot in front of \t440)
      xcopy .\t440p\*.* C:\Windows\inf\tmccdrivers\t440p /s /q /y - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
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