
BlackBerry Desktop Software v6.1

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can anyone help me on how to remove pop up box after run, the application that contents checked for update feature.
Thanks for the help! :)

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Answers (29)

Posted by: dunnpy 13 years ago
Red Belt

If all you are doing is populating the HKCU key with the registry information shown then FU should be sufficient.

Repair Options
/f[p|e|c|m|s|o|d|a|u|v] <Product.msi | ProductCode>
Repairs a product
p - only if file is missing
o - if file is missing or an older version is installed (default)
e - if file is missing or an equal or older version is installed
d - if file is missing or a different version is installed
c - if file is missing or checksum does not match the calculated value
a - forces all files to be reinstalled
u - all required user-specific registry entries (default)
m - all required computer-specific registry entries (default)
s - all existing shortcuts (default)
v - runs from source and recaches local package

Hope that helps,

Posted by: dunnpy 13 years ago
Red Belt

There are some pre-requisites (noted on the link Timmsie provided) which are installed when you run the vendor setup, but as you are running the MSI you have by-passed the installation of these.

If you have already accounted for these pre-reqs and installed them (packaged and deployed) prior to installing the BlackBerry MSI then this may be an unrequired CA.

Try setting a condition, such as 1=0, on that CA (in your MST) to prevent it running and see if that helps.

I've not touched a BlackBerry Desktop package for long time, but as the CA mentions 'Redist' I'm making the assumption that this is something to do with the pre-reqs and it may be safe to disable it.

Hope that helps,

Posted by: PackagerWannaBe 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Just want to add my two cents with this update reg key and Active Setup. I am no fan of active setup cause there is no resiliency using it. It is a one time shot and on top of that, if a user is already logged in and an admin account installs it in the background (SCCM), then the reg key will be populated under the admin account, not the user account. Since the user is already log in, when he will start the app, he will get the prompt since the reg keys will be there only when he log back on.

I was able to get rid of the Active Setup by doing the following:

Set the property shortcut SHORTCUT DESKTOP=0
Get the details of the Main shortcut because we will delete it
Delete the SHORTCUT feature. We dont need the desktop or the readme anyway.
create your HKCU reg file for FIrstLaunch and AutoUpdateEnabled to FALSE like you would for the active setup thing
Import your reg file under the Desktop/Core feature
Under the same feature, create the only shortcut to Rim.desktop.exe, make it advertised, input the icon from a previous install, set the working directory and other details like the original shortcut

Apply the other stuff, then create a MST, install the soft, launch the advertised shortcut and enjoy.

Also, remove the custom action RIM_RemoveFirstLaunchRegValue. It removes the reg key later in the process. It is referenced at 8793 in InstallExecuteSequence.

Hope it helps
Posted by: yogeshwar3 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Hi All,

I needyour help.

In Windows XP my MSI and MST are working fine... but in Win 7 (32 and x64) it is asking for the Admin privilege, how can i stop it asking for admin rights.. ?

Posted by: dunnpy 13 years ago
Red Belt

Are you saying that when launching the application there is an 'check for updates' type prompt, which you can dismiss?

Run your favourite light-weight snapshot tool (InControl, InstallRite, et al) and capture the first launch where you disable the update prompt.

Your snapshot will show you what has changed (registry or ini file most likely) so you can incorporate this into your package.

I've linked the package KB article for BlackBerry Desktop Software 6.x to this thread (See top of thread under title) which may have further information to assist you.

Hope that helps,

Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi Dunnpy,
Thanks for the help. I also found out how to use the msi instead of setup.exe. But what I did before is by adding this property -> ISSETUPDRIVEN=1
Is this ok to be able to use msi instead of setup.exe???
Thanks Much! :)
Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Another one is RIM_MSIUsedForInstall in InstallUISequence table doesnt exist to remove to be able to use msi instead of setup.exe. How do i solve this? Thanks!
Posted by: dunnpy 13 years ago
Red Belt

I would go with the information on the link that Timmsie posted - RIM should know their own product and how best to install it [:D]


Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi Dunnpy,
I already solved the issue in installation using msi and not using setup.exe.
Thanks so much for the helped! :)
Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi Dunnpy,
I got error during testing after removed RIM. Error 2721. Custom Action RIM_ShowCPPRedistInstallationError not found in Binary table stream.
What possible solution for this? Do i need to add RIM in binary table?
Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks Dunnpy :)
I already solved it by adding "AND 0" in the condition of RIM_MSIUsedForInstall instead of delete it in CA.
Your a great help in my app.
Really appreciated! Thanks again! :)
Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
What's the best active setup /fu ,/fomus or /fou ? After I upload this in registry that coz pop up

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Research In Motion\BlackBerry]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Research In Motion\DesktopAutoUpdate]
Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
But after i installed the blackberry it contains per user file and its advertised shortcut. Is /fomus ok?
Posted by: dunnpy 13 years ago
Red Belt

In that case /fomus should be okay.

Try it and see if you get the desired results.


Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks Dunnpy!
Sorry for many questions,. Im new in packaging.
Posted by: dunnpy 13 years ago
Red Belt

No problem - don't forget to rate any posts that you may have found useful [;)]


Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
SHAMELESS point-soliciting LOL
Posted by: dunnpy 13 years ago
Red Belt

Thought you might know me by now [;)]
Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi, Im thiinking if i need to import the setup.ini that i found in sources?
What would i do to disable more prompt dialog like choose language, region, data user option, etc.
Posted by: naveen.packager 13 years ago
Green Belt
Create a log file and check for those respective properties in the log file and add them in your mst.

I think for language you have to find 1033.mst from the source file.
Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi can someone help me,

Cant uninstall the driver (oem15.inf)

What are the possible way to delete it?
Thanks in advance!
Posted by: sassygirl 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
The only driver that left is the USB Driver, how can i uninstall it?
Posted by: yashaswi_vagdevi 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
ho hoow to uncheck the check boxes during post installation setting
Posted by: freeality 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I found out that setup.exe (and msi as well) will not install unless you have internet connection, because the data1.cab's signature cannot be verified . This is due to the custom action RIM_CheckFilesSignature which returns error code 1603.

The only way to silently deploy this as system without internet access (using SCCM2007 here) is to disable the CA launch (in the msi script code). Successfully tested with version on Win7-32 and -64.

The only thing I couldn't find by now is how to disable automatic updates, preferably by transforming the msi. Does anyone know?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
As a stop-gap, why not add the loopback adapter's address ( for the update URL in the local HOSTS file?

I just opened my v5 MSI. There's a feature called 'Blackberry Automatic Update'. Use a transform with the MSI to stop this feature being installed.
Posted by: freeality 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
thanks a lot for your quick reply VBScab,

As a stop-gap, why not add the loopback adapter's address ( for the update URL in the local HOSTS file?
this would cause host file management on many thousands machines. imho its much easyier to disable the CA?

I just opened my v5 MSI. There's a feature called 'Blackberry Automatic Update'. Use a transform with the MSI to stop this feature being installed.
great idea! :-) unfortunately there is no such feature in 6.1 :-( I will procmon it later.

fyi - here's another RIM-made joke in v6.1: another CA checks for VC++2008 Redist. Fine so far. If you have installed any other (in words: higher, like SP1)
version than 9.0.21022 the setup will instantly fail! Instead of checking the upgrade code from the registry it looks for the product ID. omg
Posted by: glaganie 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
I may be wrong but I thought the idea was to prevent Auto updates for each and every user's profile... If there is no Active Setup, how do you create the reg keys when a new user logs in?
Posted by: PackagerWannaBe 13 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Using the method I mentionned, the reg keys will be there for any active, new and old users. The reg keys will be proptected by the advertised shortcut and MSI self healing feature.
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