
Can you edit a .msp file

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Can you edit a .msp file. If yes, how?

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Posted by: surmaj 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I am creating a new patch file after I make some changes. Once I run the .msp file, what should Happen ? my target .msi file should be changed or directly the application should be changed ?
When I run it nothing happens I am confused. Please help.

Posted by: kkaminsk 17 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
If you want to edit it you could make an administrative install, make a copy of it, patch the copy then use Wise to see the difference between the two administrative installs. After that the patched install could be edited further to be used to generate a new patch. I don't think this would be recommended because you can't capture all of the patch logic for upgrades with this method but if you are in a bind this might be an option.
Posted by: nheim 17 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Dep_Techie,
AngelD and Wiseapp had an interesting exchange about MSP's not so long ago. Read it here:
And read this also:
Regards, Nick
Posted by: coyle 8 years ago
White Belt
You can edit a msp file, you just run the setup in admin mode again and select update existing and select the msp file you want to update.
Posted by: AngelD 17 years ago
Red Belt
No you can't.
You'll have to create a new or generate one between two MSIs.
Posted by: spartacus 17 years ago
Black Belt
It's not possible to edit an MSP directly - although the changes an MSP makes can be viewed using ORCA.

One option you might try is to patch an Administrative install of the original MSI using the patch as originally supplied by the vendor. This will give you a patched MSI located in the Admin point. You could then make any further changes you need to this MSI using conventional MSI editing tools.

Once you've finished making your amendments you then have two MSI's (the original unpatched one, plus the patched one including your revisions in the admin point). It should now be possible to create a new patch, similar to the original MSP but with your amendments) by taking a delta between the two MSI's

Using WISE, I believe you would generate a new MSP by running the patched & altered MSI along with the original unpatched MSI through the Patch Creation wizard.


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