
Custom Email Ticket Creation Acknowledgement Email in KACE Service Desk

Hello ninjas,

We are about to implement the KACE Service Desk in our organization. I am having trouble understanding the logic behind having the "Email Ticket Creation Acknowledgement" be so generic and just redirect you to log back into the kbox. I'm trying to get the email ticket creation acknowledgement to display all of the info about the ticket that was created. For example the problem, impact, category, my custom fields (site phone number), etc.Reason being if I am on the road and need to follow up I can pull up the ticket created email and have the phone number and all the ticket info at hand without having to log into the kbox.

How can I get the query behind this hyperlink on an open ticket (I need to paste the query in the Service Desk Email Customization page:


So my Ticket Creation Acknowledgement email looks like this:



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Answers (2)

Posted by: jknox 11 years ago
Red Belt

Are you looking to set up that email like your example for ticket 25?  You can modify the email itself by going here:

Service Desk>Configuration>Queues>your queue>[Customize Emails]>Email Ticket Creation Acknowledgement

There should be a list of variables on the right hand side that show what you can pull from the K1000.

$change_desc will give you the last update to the ticket.

$ticket_history will give you all the history of the ticket to that point.

Your custom fields should be covered under $ticket_custom_X_label and/or $ticket_custom_X_value.

  • It's also possible that you might need a ticket rule to get what you are looking for. http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/how-to-notify-any-user-or-group-by-email-when-a-new-help-desk - jknox 11 years ago
  • Thank you for the reply.

    Yes I need the email to look like the one for ticket 25. I had already updated the CC list as indicated in the link.

    I've been playing around with: Service Desk>Configuration>Queues>your queue>[Customize Emails]>Email Ticket Creation Acknowledgement. This is what I have entered in:

    $helpdesk_name created a ticket in response to your email to $helpdesk_email.


    You may see more details and track progress on your new ticket at:

    Do I need to re write this to read as a select statement for it to work? None of the values come through in the email. - JMS123 11 years ago
  • I think you have to set the variables in the select query. For example

    HD_TICKET.TITLE, -- $ticket_title

    I have found some of the system variables listed there to be wonky. Removing an underline or adding one in the variable has fixed the problem for me in the past. - lmland 11 years ago
    • If you find an issue like that, please submit a support ticket so that the documentation can be updated. - jknox 11 years ago
      • I have a support ticket for this open and they are saying this might end up being a Pro Service pay issue. Adding in your own variables into the body for email customization is definitely not working. - JMS123 11 years ago
Posted by: cynthiakwan 10 years ago
White Belt

I would disable the alert under email on events and write a custom rule.  If you use the email under email on events, you need to use the variables that are listed to the side.  Basically there is a separate select statement that precedes the use of these that we do not have access to.


We solved this problem by writing a rule that emails an alert EACH time a ticket is created (not just emailed tickets).  In our select statement we were setting the variables that were used to the format the email.


as jknox said... this is the URL to refer to in order to assist writing the rule:


P.S.  Dell frequently says you'll need to get professional services.

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