
CuteFTP Pro 7

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I have created an unattended install of CureFTP Pro 7 and the only thing that is causing me problems is the License Popup window after I install it. I have a license key and I don't want this window to pop up evertime I do a new install. Does anybody know what registery key controls this?

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Answers (6)

Posted by: MSIMaker 19 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
I don't know if anyone else uses this method for Regmon but I'll post it anyway.

Do a regmon and save the .log file.
Open Excel and do a file open and select All file types. Open the .log file.
Excel will see it a delimited txt file and start a wizard.
Select next and finish and now you have all the info in a spreadsheet.
Go to Data on the Excel menu and select Filter and then AutoFilter.

Now you can select the information you want by the filter. So if your looking for AccessDenied just select it in the filter list and you will only see those entries.
Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
I have no clue what it is. Do a setup capture to find it.

Install CuteFTP Pro
take a snapshot
get your licence key popup
enter your license key
close CuteFTP Pro
Take your after snapshot

Whatever change was made by entering in the license key will be in that setup capture. Carry that change over to your CuteFTP Pro 7 package and you'll probably avoid that popup.
Posted by: Thaiboxer 19 years ago
Orange Belt
Viking's suggestion works, or you could watch it with Filemon/Regmon to see what the license entry is poking. I'd get it so the license popup is there, run Regmon and Filemon and set both to ignore all of the extraneous processes running, then watch for what exactly the license prompt is setting.

Both processes work, I think it's just a matter of preference.
Posted by: VikingLoki 19 years ago
Second Degree Brown Belt
Setup Capture gives you a tree view. It's also in the same MSI format as your install, allowing table to table cut & paste. It will also capture both files and registry, plus everything else that MSI handles. FileMon & RegMon will only give you two raw lists, one of files and one of registry.

I like setup capture better. [;)]
Posted by: Thaiboxer 19 years ago
Orange Belt
For portability into an install I agree with you. I love Regmon for seeing the nuts and bolts though - it's great for pulling exact keys and values. It can get to be a little much sometimes... filtering all that data just to get one little registry poke.
Posted by: totoymola 19 years ago
Orange Belt
Install the program normally. Register it. The open the program, go to help, then export your registration data. That's it. You don't have to capture anything because there is an option to export it.
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