Do not create desktop shortcut during installation
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I am trying to create a transform for a vendor MSI that does not create a desktop shortcut during the install
In orca I have created a variety of transforms trying different things.
Component comp_DesktopIcon Condition was set to INSTALL_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT was set to 1, I tried 0 and 2, and also deleted the row.
Pretty much everywhere I have found the word desktop, I have tried deleting the row from the tansform.
Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?
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Posted by:
9 years ago
Shortcut table, remove it from there.
make sure you test on a clean machine.
then you may have to start hunting for CAs, cos you know, why wouldn't you use a CA to create a desktop shortcut.
So that is what I tried, but it didn't seem to work. Next I looked at the custom actions, and didn't see anything that would be creating an icon. I think that my command isn't using the transform at all.
The command line I am using is
msiexe /I file.msi /passive TRANSFORMS=mytransform.mst - brian_random 8 years ago-
just to confirm, are you testing on a clean clean, machine (really clean). Every now and then you may find a shortcut created by a customaction. unusual, especially if you have properties that look like they are controlling the installation. - Badger 8 years ago
Posted by:
9 years ago
I have not used Orca for a while... on my lunch break I can open it up and mess around with it. I use InstallShield 2015. EDIT - Yeah, I don't know why I did not mention this earlier, but every MSI is going to be different in Orca... I opened a handful of MSI's I have created and each were different.
Are you open to creating a simple script to delete the shortcuts?
What program is it? I could create a transform for you and you can test it if you'd like.
Posted by:
8 years ago
Use the vbs custom action to create shortcut after the installation.
WshShell = CreateObject("")strDesktop = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")oMyShortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strDesktop + "\Sample.lnk")oMyShortcut.WindowStyle = 3 &&Maximized 7=Minimized 4=Normal oMyShortcut.IconLocation = "C:\myicon.ico"OMyShortcut.TargetPath = "%windir%\notepad.exe"oMyShortCut.Hotkey = "ALT+CTRL+F"oMyShortCut.Save
Set for "immediate execution" and place it after "install finalize."
Posted by:
8 years ago
>msiexec /I file.msi /passive TRANSFORMS=mytransform.mst
Always, always, ALWAYS use explicit paths for file paths on the command line. "But wait!" you say. "I don't *know* the final destination path!!"
Easy: use "%~dp0", as in
msiexec /I "%~dp0file.msi" /passive TRANSFORMS="%~dp0mytransform.mst" /l*v %windir%\TEMP\MyInstall.LOG
Note that I've added the logging argument. Only an hopeless optimist would deploy software without logging.