
Error 1603 Deploying Adobe Packages

I am having issues deploying Adobe Packages(Specifically CS6 and Presenter)  I have run the exceptiondepoyer first so all the exceptions get put in but when I run the msi, It tells me it wants to shut down explorer (not good cause I need to run it attentded) but when i give it the ok. it just rolls back.. with the following error (out of the MSI logging of course, the MSI itself never returned a message)


=== Logging stopped: 4/14/2014  12:46:38 ===

MSI (c) (F8:44) [12:46:38:955]: Product: Adobe presenter 9 -- Installation operation failed.

MSI (c) (F8:44) [12:46:38:955]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Adobe presenter 9. Product Version: 1.2.0000. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Adobe Systems Incorporated. Installation success or error status: 1603.

So anyone got any solutions?

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Answers (5)

Posted by: usgrcm 10 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt

I got in touch with Adobe Support, They modified my Installation file and it has been working right ever since.

  • Modified how? Are you able to share exactly what they did so that others might be able to fix it themselves? I suspect this error is caused by a newer version of the Adobe Creative Cloud packager as my older package works fine so I might try and roll back one version of the packager and try again. - BW~Merlin 10 years ago
Posted by: usgrcm 10 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
It was the way that the script was laid out.  Here is what I have been using and it works 100% every time:
@echo off
PushD "%~dp0"
Set installdir=%~dp0

cd %installdir%\exceptions
ExceptionDeployer.exe --workflow=install  --mode=pre

cd %installdir%\build
MSIEXEC.EXE /i presenter10.msi 

cd %installdir%\exceptions
ExceptionDeployer.exe --workflow=install  --mode=post

Posted by: vjaneczko 10 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt

The 1603 error is a pain to encounter.  What you'll have to do is create verbose log file.  The 1603 error will appear somewhere in the middle of the log file.  A few lines above that will be a "real" error code that will help you figure out the problem.  You'll probably encounter some syntax that talks about 'may not be the real error', and you'll have to keep searching up the log file as you can encounter more than one of these entries.

It'll take some time to figure out what's going on, but you'll get it.  Most of the time, it's something simple; you'll be missing a CAB file or some other requirement.  It could be an error coming from a Custom Action.  It might also indicate a reboot is pending and won't install - even though there's a seperate errorcode for that.

  • Search in a verbose log for "Return value 3." The few lines above will contain the information pointing to the failure. - anonymous_9363 10 years ago
Posted by: shubhagini 10 years ago
Senior White Belt

This issue causes if we opt wrong option between 32 Bit and 64 Bit package while creating application through AMEE tool.

Please opt this option same as your OS architecture. I faced the same issue so it got resolved when i opted 64 Bit package which was same as my OS architecture.

  • I am having this issue with Creative Cloud and I created the package on Windows 7 64bit and selected 64bit and deploying only to 64bit machines.

    The error which is pretty much exactly like what is above only happens when trying to install from a network location using a UNC path or mapped drive. Copied locally it runs and installs fine.

    Scouring Adobe's forums and the internet it seems to be a newer problem (at least for Creative Cloud) that Adobe refuses to address - bwilkerson 10 years ago
Posted by: lascelk 10 years ago
White Belt

You have to make sure that a 32bit version of Powerpoint is installed prior to installing Presenter, even if you are deploying the 64bit version of Presenter.  This also applies to any of the Adobe 'bundles' that contain Presenter (ie. Adobe eLearning).

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