
file synchronization

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Quick file synchronization question. My understanding is to create a file sync item i first need to create a managed install in order for the item to appear in the drop down. If i want to sync out a shortcut for example then there is no install as such as it is just a file so how do i create an item for it? The example talks about Corporate office docs and antivirus definitions which are just files rather than installs so i assume its possible??

any help greatly appreciated.

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Answers (5)

Posted by: airwolf 15 years ago
Red Belt
You are correct - but you must create a custom software inventory item to detect the existence of the file (this is the step you are missing). Then you create the MI and link it to the software inventory item you've just created. You will then be able to create the file synchornization, and it will be inventoried correctly.
Posted by: lefttunknown 13 years ago
Orange Belt
What kills me is with File Synchronization (and managed installations) is that I can't "do it now" like you can with a script. I have a small file that I need to copy to all machines and it should take like 2 seconds but with File Synchronization it seems to take forever. Is there a better way?

  • Not that this is a better way, but forcing those clients to check in will copy that file to the system right away - mcudmore 11 years ago
Posted by: Fin 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
thanks again, just the step i required.
Posted by: jkatkace 15 years ago
Purple Belt
To add to what airwolf has written, a File Sync is a variation on a Managed Install. You can think of it like a Managed Install where you don't run any commands: you're just placing an executable in a particular location, or unpacking a zip file someplace.

Both Managed Installs and File Syncs depend on Software Inventory Items which have files attached to them.

With a File Sync, you'll typically manually create a Software Inventory item and attach a file to it. (You can also, optionally, give it a custom inventory rule to tell the KBOX how to figure out when it's installed.) You'll then go to Distribution/File Sync and create the File Sync that'll copy it down to computers.

You don't have to have a Managed Install to have a File Sync, but you do have to have a Software Inventory item with some file attached to it.

In the case of shortcuts, take a look at Scripting/Configuration Policies. KBOX has a Shortcut Creator there for Windows.

  • I took a look at the Scripting\Configuration Policies\Shortcut Wizard, but it won't accept a URL as a valid shortcut location. I'm trying to push out a .url shortcut. Is there an elegant way to do this with the K1000 tools? - KFox 11 years ago
Posted by: Fin 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I will be looking at the scripting side next, thanks for the suggestion.
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