
Flash Player Uninstall


In an attempt to patch a security hole in Macromedia Flash Player 8 (see http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/security/security_zone/apsb06-03.html for more details), I am attempting to upgrade all machines on our network to using the install_flash_player_active_x.msi. When testing the uninstall, I receive a prompt. The prompt is a window that reads 'Uninstall complete', with only an OK button to click.

My question is -- how do I make this uninstall completely silent? Looking into the InstallExecuteSequence table of the MSI, I can see that uninstall is handled through a custom action that point to a file UninstFl.exe, along with -q -u switches. Are there any additional known switches that will make this a silent removal? Any help is appreciated.



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Answers (20)

Posted by: Blue_Demon 18 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
/qn maybe?
Posted by: PudgeRok 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
No dice. It's a custom executable which does not accept Windows Installer-style parameters. Thanks for the reply! [:)]
Posted by: meastaugh1 18 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
I don't think it's uninstfl.exe that's displaying the message. From what I can gather from [url=http://www.macromedia.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=4da116d3]TechNote 4da116d3[/url] and some testing, it seems that it unlocks the flash player OCX so the installer can clear out the flash directory.

The uninstall message seems to be originating from the custom action RemoveFilesCA, which is a call to isscriptbridge.dll. The problem is that this custom action actually removes the flash files on uninstall, so you couldn't easily remove the custom action without it having a knock-on effect.

I'd also like to hear if anyone can suggest a workaround.

You could [url=http://www.macromedia.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform]report it[/url] to Adobe/Macromedia if you haven't already done. I have, but I guess the more reports they get from different sources, the more likely it is that they'll do something about it.
Posted by: benducklow 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Facing similiar issue myself. I am trying to uninstall by using the extracted *.exe file with the /s switch but when I try and automate this using our software distrubution tool, ManageSoft, It get the uninstaller process hanging at 93%. It seems to be fine when I run it manually from the the Run line...

Any other help would be appreciated. Thanks

Posted by: turbokitty 18 years ago
6th Degree Black Belt
I guess the question is, why would you want to uninstall it? Future versions just write over-top it do they not?

Plus, it autoupdates automatically from the web (unless your users are really locked down and you deployed the mms.cfg file).
Posted by: meastaugh1 18 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
I need to uninstall it, then install the new version. But that's not really the point, you should be able to uninstall anything you install.

This should be resolved now since Adobe have revised the MSI.
Posted by: benducklow 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
In my scenario, I am trying to use the latest Flash player uninstaller to clean up any old version(s) the users may have. OUr environment isn't locked down so people have various versions...well, we have a new intranet site rollout that needs the latest version specifically.

I can install the latest version and 'leave remnants' of the old versions there; that will work and get the job done just fine. I just am trying to simplify and clean up things if possible and I am using the latest MSI from Adobe/Macromedia and still have the issue.
Posted by: ocsscott 18 years ago
Yellow Belt
They do provide an exe uninstaller 183 k but it puts up the same message at the end. Just an ok button..no window title or anything. Running wwith the /S only removed the normal dialogs but not the message. Interestingly if you run the exe another time you dont get the message even if you have reinstalled flash.

We need to deploy it silently also so this is a huge problem for us.
Posted by: benducklow 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Well, my solution isn't perfect but will accomplish the task for the most part. We are going to push out a packed MSI version of this (using the mms.cfg file) as well as the uninstaller for this version as well. We are having the uninstaller run prior to the installer to remove any old versions. We're doing this using a *.bat file. Here's the guts of it:

@echo off

ECHO Uninstalling old Flash Player files...

cd "C:\Location\to\uninstaller\directory"

START /min "Uninstall Macromedia Flash Player" CMD.exe /c uninstall_flash_player.exe /s

sleep 15


ECHO Done.

From our testing is it will leave any previous versions (such as the version) listed in Add/Remove Programs but will indeed update the files. Also if someone installed Flash Player by clicking on the popup windows when they hit a web page with flash on it, this uninstaller will take the Add/Remove Programs entry out; its just previous versions of the installer from the Distribution licensed page that won't clean out of Add/Remove Programs. Crazy.

Hope this may be of help to someone!
Posted by: ocsscott 18 years ago
Yellow Belt

what is this line for?


what are you killing?
Posted by: benducklow 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
ORIGINAL: ocsscott


what is this line for?


what are you killing?

It is forcing the process called KillBrowser.exe if it is running. Its a 'wonderful' little suprise that launches when you run the uninstaller for Flash. We found that it sometimes will hang at 93% during the uninstall; ending this process will allow the uninstaller to continue.
Posted by: angelmedia 18 years ago
Yellow Belt
INSTRUCTIONS TO RUN THE NEW FLASH PLAYER UNINSTALLER ' uninstall_flash_player.exe' version

Download the latest Flash Player uninstaller VERSION here:


To run in silent the Flash Player uninstaller use the '/silent' switch.

Example from the command line to run the Flash Player 'uninstall_flash_player.exe' silently –

C:\NewUninstall\uninstall_flash_player.exe /silent

There SHOULD BE NO message boxes that say “Uninstall complete”. It is completely silent

Note: DO NOT USE THE ADMINISTRATIVE UNINSTALLER 'UninstFl.exe' from here: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash


msiexec/I C:\MSI\MSI\install_flash_player_active_x.msi /qn
Posted by: benducklow 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
ORIGINAL: angelmedia

INSTRUCTIONS TO RUN THE NEW FLASH PLAYER UNINSTALLER ' uninstall_flash_player.exe' version

Download the latest Flash Player uninstaller VERSION here:


To run in silent the Flash Player uninstaller use the '/silent' switch.

Example from the command line to run the Flash Player 'uninstall_flash_player.exe' silently –

C:\NewUninstall\uninstall_flash_player.exe /silent

There SHOULD BE NO message boxes that say “Uninstall complete”. It is completely silent

Note: DO NOT USE THE ADMINISTRATIVE UNINSTALLER 'UninstFl.exe' from here: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash


msiexec/I C:\MSI\MSI\install_flash_player_active_x.msi /qn

As an FYI for everyone, I have been using this uninstaller and experienced issues with the KillBrowser.exe process hanging at 93%. If you happen to experience this same issue wiith your uninstallation, please refer to my previous post in this thread.
Posted by: piyushnasa 17 years ago
Red Belt
Ben, I have done the exactly same as mentioned, but still I am getting the popup message that "Uninstallation Complete"
Please help me, this is urgent...
Posted by: rrokosh 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
I'm having the same issue as Piyush.

Tried running the uninstall_flash_player.exe file first, but even in /silent mode the uninstall still comes up with a "Uninstallation Complete" message. Using this method, the 9 install doesn't show the "Uninstall..." dialog.

Also tried running the C:\Windows\Macromed\Flash\UninstFl.exe -quiet, followed by deletefolder "C:\Windows\system32\Macromed", but it doesn't appear to be uninstalled enough, as the 9 install again triggers the "Uninstall..." dialog.

I also tried a snapshot, but don't trust the results as there are many CurrentUser settings changed and I need to be able to push in the background to unattended systems using a non-user account.

Does anyone know a way for this upgrade to happen completely unattended?
Posted by: benducklow 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
ORIGINAL: piyushnasa

Ben, I have done the exactly same as mentioned, but still I am getting the popup message that "Uninstallation Complete"
Please help me, this is urgent...

I am not sure what to tell you. I have exhaustively tested this before I released it to 1,500 + machines with the same result everytime. All I would say is doublecheck the uninstaller version number and or the method you are giving the *.exe the silent switch.. Good Luck to you.
Posted by: kscherer 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
ORIGINAL: rrokosh

I'm having the same issue as Piyush.

Tried running the uninstall_flash_player.exe file first, but even in /silent mode the uninstall still comes up with a "Uninstallation Complete" message. Using this method, the 9 install doesn't show the "Uninstall..." dialog.

Also tried running the C:\Windows\Macromed\Flash\UninstFl.exe -quiet, followed by deletefolder "C:\Windows\system32\Macromed", but it doesn't appear to be uninstalled enough, as the 9 install again triggers the "Uninstall..." dialog.

I also tried a snapshot, but don't trust the results as there are many CurrentUser settings changed and I need to be able to push in the background to unattended systems using a non-user account.

Does anyone know a way for this upgrade to happen completely unattended?

I am also having the same issue. We did not have this issue with the previous deployment of Flash Player 8.0.24, uninstalling older versions of Flash. After a little bit more testing, I believe the problem is dependent upon what version of Flash Player is installed. If the current version of Flash Player is 8.0.24, then the uninstall_flash_player.exe /silent still displays the "OK" window that needs to be clicked. If the current install is Flash Player 8.0.22, then the silent uninstall works like it is supposed to.

My version of the uninstall_flash_player.exe is, which is the version currently available from the download site.
Posted by: charmed_goddess87 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
I dont know if anyone has had this problem but I finally got the unistall to work. I would go to the link for the unistaller and it would come up page can not be found. So I emailed the support people and they sent me a link to uninstall which Im guessing it worked. But now Im having issues downloading the new flash player.And everytime I try to download it from the website nothing happens. They sent me the links for the standalone installers and it says Install Complete. But none of my videos or my slide shows that I have online still wont work. Ive restarted the computer and still nothing. This is driving me up the wall!! Was just curious if anyone had the same problem Im having.
Posted by: rrokosh 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
Here's a message that Adobe support gave me on their Support Forum. Seems to do the trick. FYI.

You can be one of the first to use the steps we'll be adding to the Flash Player emerging issues technote early next week. The text isn't final but the steps should work for you:

Licensed users of the Flash Player Distribution License (www.macromedia.com/licensing) reveive an MSI installer which can be used for distributed installs of Flash Player. In certain circumstances the Flash Player 9 MSI may have the following issues:

When you run the Flash Player 9 MSI silently using the /quiet switch, the uninstaller built into the MSI to remove previous Flash Players fails to be silent and prompts an "uninstallation complete" dialog.
If the Flash Player folder at C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash contains a FlashPlayerTrust folder with config (CFG) files that folder will be removed. Placing config files in this location is a technique used to allow all users on the machine access to local CD drives and other Flash Player settings (see "Security Changes in Flash Player 8" http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/articles/fplayer8_security.html for more information.)
NOTE: The above will only occur if the file "Flash8a.ocx" is present and was installed by the Flash Player 8 MSI installer. Flash8a.ocx is the Flash Player ActiveX control version 8,0,24,0 from April 2006. If Flash8a.ocx was never installed by MSI on that machine then these issues should not occur. The machine may also have Flash8b.ocx, which is a refreshed version of Flash Player ActiveX control version 8,0,24,0. Machines with only Flash8b.ocx should not show these issues.

NOTE: This issue should not effect end users who installed Flash Player 8 or 9 from the internet. Only machines with Flash Player 8, installed by the MSI installers should observe this issue.


Use the Microsoft Windows Installer Cleanup Utility (technote:http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb;en-us;290301 to resolve the silent uninstall issue and the removal of FlashPlayerTrust issue.

However, this introduces a new issue. After running the msizapp.exe portion of Microsoft Windows Installer Cleanup Utility, the file "Flash8.ocx" remains in the folder in a locked state.

To resolve all of the above, modify your Flash Player MSI distribution to use the following multiple steps, in this order:

Run Msizap.exe T {5E8A1B08-0FBD-4543-9646-F2C2D0D05750}. This will remove the damaged registry items causing the initial silent install and FlashPlayerTrust failures.
Next run either Flash Player Uninstaller OR the Flash Player Admin uninstaller described in " Installation issues with Flash Player or and later" (http://www.adobe.com/go/4da116d3).

The Flash Player Uninstaller v3.0.0.19 can be downloaded from "How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control" (http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_14157).

Uninstfl.exe is included with previously successful Flash installs. To unlock and delete flash8a.ocx run it with -q as follows:
Uninstfl.exe –q flash8a.ocx

Either of these uninstalls should successfully remove Flash8a.ocx.
Finally run Flash Player 9 MSI with /quiet. This should run silently and not effect FlashPlayerTrust.

Bentley Wolfe
Senior Support Engineer, Flash/Flash Player
Posted by: WarComIT 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
ORIGINAL: rrokosh

I'm having the same issue as Piyush.

Tried running the uninstall_flash_player.exe file first, but even in /silent mode the uninstall still comes up with a "Uninstallation Complete" message. Using this method, the 9 install doesn't show the "Uninstall..." dialog.

Also tried running the C:\Windows\Macromed\Flash\UninstFl.exe -quiet, followed by deletefolder "C:\Windows\system32\Macromed", but it doesn't appear to be uninstalled enough, as the 9 install again triggers the "Uninstall..." dialog.

I also tried a snapshot, but don't trust the results as there are many CurrentUser settings changed and I need to be able to push in the background to unattended systems using a non-user account.

Does anyone know a way for this upgrade to happen completely unattended?

It is not the most orthidox way to go about it but it worked for me on an SMS push with out using the Microsoft Windows Installer Cleanup Utility.
Batch File Synopsis:
You have a 2 batch file set up. Batch File 2 starts with opening batchfile2 in separate memory space.
Then starts the uninstall program from adobe with the silent switch.
Now we know this is going to give us the "uninstallation complete" window at the end, which is where the 2nd batch file comes into play.
Batch2 starts in a new CMD prompt with a 30 second delay to allow the uninstall from Batchfile2 time to complete and hang on the popup window.
Then kills any processes associated with the uninstall.
And Lastly starts a Fresh install of Flash 9.

@echo off

REM Opens the delayed kill/install batch
START "BatchFile2" /SEPARATE \\serversource\batchfile2.bat

REM Uninstall Previous Version of Flash
START "Uninstall Macromedia Flash Player" CMD.exe /c \\serversource\uninstall_flash_player.exe /Silent


@echo off

REM This Creates a 30 second Delay in the script, Same as SLEEP 30
ping -n 1 -w 30000

REM if you are worried about the browserkill function hanging
ping -n 1 -w 5000

REM Killing the Popup Window that says Uninstallation Complete
REM Idriver.exe is the process name for the pop up window
TASKKILL /F /IM IDriver.exe
ping -n 1 -w 1000

REM Ending the Uninstall Process
TASKKILL /F /IM msiexec.exe
ping -n 1 -w 5000

REM Install Flash 9
START msiexec.exe /qn ALLUSERS=2 /m MSIGMYDH /i "\\Serversource\install_flash_player_active_x.msi"

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