
Force Java Enable in IE for Standard Users

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I have been using KACE to deploy updates for things such as Java but for some reason Java does not always enable in IE and my restricted users get a prompt for Admin credentials to enable Java in IE on computers.  I was wondering if there is some easier way using Group Policy IE settings or something to make sure Java is enabled for use as we require Java for a couple key systems in my environment.   I use the full installer and deploy the MSI with the options to install silently and enable in Internet explorer.  I forget the actual command as I am not at work but thought I could force it to be enabled as it is on every computer or at least deployed to every computer using KACE.  Right now many of my users are getting prompted to enable Java when they log into a computer for the first time and launch IE.

Edit:  Here is the full installation command I use to install JAVA using KACE: "jre-7u5-windows-i586.exe" /s /v"/norestart AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 IEXPLORER=1 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0"

I thought adding the IEXPLORER=1 was supposed to force it to be enabled for all users.   I have tried running this several ways like running while users are logged off, logged on, or run right before the logon.   Still users get prompted to enable Java when launching IE and using a page that requires Java functionality.

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Add the following key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\ UseJava2IExplorer REG_DWORD 1
Posted by: jagadeish 12 years ago
Red Belt

Add the following key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\<Version>

UseJava2IExplorer           REG_DWORD            1

  • After closer inspection I found out that only a couple computers had the Java need to be enabled issue. The rest ended up being an issue with Java cached files from older versions interfering with the program my organization uses. I think this was because most computers were on Java 6 before and I pushed out Java 7.

    I made up a quick tutorial that sent users to the Java Control Panel and deleted all cached items. It then forced a reload of the Java app and ran fine. - bwilkerson 12 years ago
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