
Getting error getting into the boot environment when trying to deploy Windows 8.1

I am trying to deploy Windows 8.1 to a Dell e5440. I downloaded and installed the drivers in the driver feed, recached the drivers and built a new boot environment. When I PXE boot the machine and choose the new boot environment I get a recovery page that comes up and says the operating system could not be loaded because the digital signature of a file could not be verified. The file is \windows\System32\drivers\ahcix64.sys. 

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • sounds like you may have an non 8.1 achi driver. Try manually downloading the correct drivers from dell and manually place them on the k2000 in \drivers\kbe_windows_x64 and then build a KBE from that. - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
  • I did this and I am still getting the same thing. - WGM_Jeff 10 years ago

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