I need to set propeties using vbscript in cutom action
Hello all, i need to set propeties using vbscript in cutom action.
but properties don't set.
my vbs:
Option Explicit
Dim NM, PRN, TIT, PHN 'Wshell
NM = inputbox("toto ?" , "test1" ,"name")
PRN = inputbox("tata ?" , "test1" ,"name")
TIT = inputbox("titi ?" , "test1" ,"fonction")
PHN = inputbox("tutu ?" , "test1" ,"telephone")
Session.Property("NOM") = NM
Session.Property("PRENOM") = PRN
Session.Property("TITRE") = TIT
Session.Property("TEL") = PHN
Answers (5)
Well what you are trying to achieve with this?
Do you mean you want to read the propery value in immediate or deferred mode?
Hi, no i want to Add Value in properties in immédiate mode. - tw95 12 years ago
It might be a better idea to run the input dialogs outside of the actual MSI, and then pass the values to the (public) properties on the commandline when you launch msiexec. I generally find these kinds of 'unavoidable' dialogs inside an MSI to be a bad idea...
Another option could be to create a custom dialog screen using the default MSI dialog system
thaks all. The option using default MSI dialog system work but i need to lauche my msi in silent mode. I can run the input dialogs outside of the actual MSI but i have no idea to code it. Do you have an exmple ?
You can still use VBScript (in an external VBS file), use your 'inputbox' statements and then use shell.run to kick off the MSIEXEC process (passing in your values as public properties on the MSIEXEC command line):
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d5fk67ky(v=vs.84).aspx - captain_planet 12 years ago