
Installing and maintaining Bomgar Jump Clients via the K1000

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We use out K1000 to push the Bomgar Jump Client out to around 1000 endpoints for unattended access. The process is very simple and works very well with one odd exception. When you look at the Software tab in KACE and search 'Bomgar', it lists over 1600 results, each of which has a unique instance appended to it like so:

Bomgar Jump Client 15.1.4 [our.domain.com] [87654321]

This naturally makes it very difficult to organize. All the clients were pushed from a managed installation using the same binary file and same installation string. It's almost like each client lists itself as it's own instance which makes KACE list each one separately. Does anyone else use KACE to manage Bomgar clients and if so, have you any advice or solutions for managing it better?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • And if you look in the Software Catalog tab? how Bomgar is reported there?
    Kind regards,
    Marco - StockTrader - StockTrader 9 years ago
    • This view seems a lot more manageable. It cleanly lists version 15.1.3 and 15.1.4 for both platforms. Thanks for the clarification. - isudothings 9 years ago
  • We ran into the same issue. Multiple inventory records and multiple installs on a client. I ended up writing an uninstall script, wanted to share it with you: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/uninstall-bomgar-jumpclients-on-macs - Jbr32 9 years ago
    • Very handy, thanks. We also get multiple installs occasionally. - isudothings 9 years ago
    • Additionally, it seems to not duplicate nearly as much on Macs if you create your Software item manually instead of linking a binary with an existing software record, as is KACE best practices. Then creatae your managed distribution off of that. - isudothings 9 years ago
      • When you do that, do you change the name of your Bomgar jump client before associating with the custom software record? - Jbr32 9 years ago

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