
Is it possible to make SecCheck UI a Machine action or any ideas on how to build a script that would allow me to run this


I was looking for Ideas how to make a machine action(preferred) or script to run SecCheckUi on a machine and be able to get the log file with out the user know I did it.

The program I am talking about is located at:http://www.mynetwatchman.com/tools/sc/  (Awesome program btw)

I would like to be able to run this and then recover the log file to look for issues on the machine. If you have never used this program it is awesome in theat provention.

The program runs from the .exe and does not need a installation nor does it show in programs and reatures.

Any help on even a place to start would be great.


3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • You can create a scheduled task, that run every day at a specific time.
    Run... taskschd.msc - tecrumors 10 years ago
  • I would like to have it as a option to run when needed. I am just not sure how to get the program to run and save the file to a location. Running it everyday is just a burden when we only utilized it on suspected machines. - mmeyer@vu.com 10 years ago
  • I tried to make a prompt today to do this using PStools and attempt to run the software. I am able to get the program to open but I am unable to run the scan remotely. Anyone have any Ideas? - mmeyer@vu.com 10 years ago

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