
K2000 Asset Management - Importing unmanaged devices

I was importing data - we use KACE for asset management for audiovisual equipment - trying to make large organizational changes in the data, and all of sudden it starts skipping a couple of columns.  Everything maps out fine, but when I import the data is staggered about two data columns over -  so, for example - I map out the following:

Subtype fields: A, B, C, D, E, F

CSV fields          A, B, C, D, E, F

Preview comes out as:

Subtype fields: A, B, C, D, E, F

                            C, D, E, F,  ,      

and it won't import because some of the incorrectly mapped fields are controlled, limited and so don't pass muster. 

I've saved the datasheet numberous times in Libre and Excel.  Checked in Notepad to see if something was goofy in the text - actually, as it maps just fine, I'm just desperate for answers at this point.

I'd rather not have to do hundreds of corrections one-by-one.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • What version SMA are you running and wha5 format of CSV are you uploading? - Hobbsy 4 years ago
  • We are running version 10.1.99 and I'm using LibreOffice Calc to create a text file with comma and quote mark delimiters.
    I've used Calc for many years without a hitch. I acknowledge that I've posted that we are using K2000 - I thought we had updated, but we are still using K1000. - adunn@pcc.edu 4 years ago

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