Kace 1000 - Run .bat using an .iss file
Answers (3)
Here's an example of a BAT file that we use to install an application that uses a .iss file:
@echo off
REM Make sure we're executing from the same directory as the BAT file
cd /d "%~dp0"
REM Run the setup
setup.exe /s /f1"%~dp0silent.iss"
As you can see, one of the things I found useful is the %~dp0, which expands out to the full patch of the batch file being run. As long as the batch file is in the same directory as all the setup files (which it would be if you zipped it all up and deployed from K1000) .
I've also found that some setups don't like using long file names for the .iss file. If that's the case, you can use %~dps0, which expands out to the short filename version of the path.
That does seem a bit cryptic. But the answers supplied match what is in my head.
I use the %~dp0 thing on ALL of the installs I do (for the EXE or MSI and the ISS or MST) . Even though most are deployed via SCCM. It provides a nice simple test of a silent install before SCCM gets involved.
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