KB Article DB Location
I know that the KB entries in the DB change throughout each environment, but could anyone give me any pointers on how to find it in mine? I have searched through just about every table in our DB and can't find any reference to KB Articles. Any help with this would be much appreciated!
Answers (3)
I believe the attachments are stored with the related KB articles and there is no way to directly access them without database modifications done by Kace (which is not recommended).
If your aim is to delete KB article attachments, you can either delete the KB article in question completely, or upload a smaller attachment (to blow away the larger attachment).
Thanks John. I am actually looking into importing KB articles into the KACE HD via CSV files. I do not think that any of our current HD articles have any attachments that need to be pulled in, so this should be ok. I just knew that there is a HD_ATTACHMENT table so I wondered if I was just missing something on the KB Article side. - horstj 12 years ago
If your goal is to import KB articles from CSVs, this might help (an answer I gave for another question):
Here's the KACE KB on importing tickets using assets (which I used to import 21,000 tickets from an Excel file), possibly something you could tweak to import your KB articles:
The columns in the CSV file match up to the columns in the HD_TICKET table, so if you use the MySQL query browser you could tweak it so that you use the ADVISORY table (and all of its columns) instead (sorry, not in front of my K1000 now so I'm just going by what you said). Leaving column entries themselves blank is not an issue (I know I didn't have data for every column in the HD_TICKET table), but every column needs to be present. If you need help setting up or using the MySQL Query Browser so you can see the column names, this blog should help:
As for transferring the data from Assets into KB Articles, I would create the pre-defined ticket rule (step 4 in the KB), then go into the SQL code (it will be listed in the Custom Ticket Rules section in the Queue configuration) and see specifically what it's targeting. It may just require mapping the columns between the Assets and ADVISORY tables.
That said, if you aren't comfortable with the MySQL code, it might require a professional services package (as stated in the KB), but at least this should get you started so you can make that determination.
If nothing else, post how far you get (if you want to give it a shot yourself) and I'll take a look at the custom ticket rules I imported to do the ticket imports to see if it's something I can help with (once I'm in front of my K1000).