
Office communicator 2007 R2

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Hi Guys

I urgently need to repackage Office communicator 2007 R2 I need to add some registry entries and to disable the "Tour" upon installation
any ideas on the best way to tackle this would be highly appreciated!

Thank you VERY much

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Answers (3)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 15 years ago
Red Belt
AFAIK, Office Communicator is an MSI already so you absolutely do NOT want to re-package it. What you want to do is create a transform to run against the MSI.

I don't know what turns the Tour off but you could either a) disable its installation (if it's a feature or condition in the package) or b) monitor your system as you turn it on and off and add whatever changes it makes to your transform.
Posted by: HaFfDoGg 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hey VBScab

Yeah Im sorry I think I might have explained that in correctly,
What I needed to know was is that some sort of ORK type tool to generate the transform for the communicator ?
If not has anyone created a transform that has disabled the welcome tour & or any of the options could you please point me in the direction of the table entry that controls this

Many thanks
Posted by: jcarri06 15 years ago
Senior Purple Belt

There's a communicator.adm template you can import into your GPO to disable this feature for all your users. Alternatively, you can modify the registry key directly if you're not using GPOs. It escapes me right now, but should be easily found through a google search.

- Jay

Edit: In addition, I dont' think there's an ORK tool that would let you create this MST (I could be wrong) which would leave you creating the MST through either a packaging tool (wise/installshield/orka/whatever) if you choose NOT to go with the GPO route. Of course, these are user specific settings so you'll be looking into ensuring it self-healing or active setup and what not...I'd recommend you explore the GPO route if you're not familiar too familiar with packaging.
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