
Port 445 still blocked

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Hopefully someone here can help. I have two laptops (so far) that I am unable to push the agent to because port 445 is still blocked. I have verified these ports are open on the windows firewall and even completly disabled the firewall as well. We are currently running Trend Micro for virus protection (until our Mcafee deal is complete anyway), however the firewall included with the virus scan is disabled as well. I can telnet port 139, but "something" is still blocking 445. Anyone have any ideas where to look? These are all Windows 7 OS running on IBM lenovo's.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: dunnpy 14 years ago
Red Belt

Isn't 445 something with SMB and Netbios over TCP/IP?

Is it enabled on your client machines? Should be in the TCP/IP properties of your LAN connection, somewhere near the WINS settings.

Check that and see how you get on.


Posted by: Exaspray 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
I had exactly the same problem, with a lenovo T500, Windows Vista. Using "netstat -a", I could see that an application was listening on port 445, Windows firewall was disabled... and my port scanner was still showing that this port was closed.

Lenovo's PC are delivered with a network utility : "IBM Access Connections".

1 - Open this utility, choose your location at the top of the window, click on the "profile" tab, choose the profile corresponding to your connection, and select "Additionnal parameters" tab. Then verify the parameters linked to "Network security". This had not solved my problem, but may be it has been the cause
2 - Open the properties of your network connections (Control panel / network and shares), then check if "Files and printers sharing" is still ticked. In my case, even if I had activated the sharing in the services, it was not ticked... I think this can happen when you change the network on which you connect your PC, depending on if it is seen as a "safe network" or not by Windows or by the IBM Utility.

Hope this will help.

(the terms and headings might not be the right ones... I'm french, using a french version of Vista)
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