
Push SnagIt License Key to PCs

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Hi K1000 Gurus,

I was able to push SnagIt Version 13.1.4 as a Managed Install to PCs with the following Additional Parameters
/quiet /norestart

I need help pushing the License Key. Please show me where to enter the license key in the Managed Install.

Here is a screenshot of my Managed Install which was successful.


Thank you.

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: rockhead44 7 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

Their Enterprise installation guide describes how to do so as part of customizing (with Orca) the .msi. 


  • There isn't a golden path to Silent Installs with licenses, each manufacturer will have their own method.
    -Included as silent paramters
    -using an LCK file
    -Pushing a command to connect to an activation source.

    @rockhead44's link should narrow it down - Channeler 7 years ago
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