
Re-Packaking Oracle 9i Client


I'm struggling to get Oracle 9i client packaged/automated. Have somebody successfully repackaged this? Please let me know how you did it.

I've attempted to create response file (supported method) but I end up to error that installation fails because it can't find disc 3.

I also tried setup capture with Wise, but I have error during MSI installation that Java Plugin is not correctly installed.

Please assist.

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Answers (30)

Posted by: timmsie 14 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
I don't think you should try and re-package the install, even the most accomplished packagers would steer clear.

Response files work well, I've added a link to the knowledgebase at the top of the thread which has loads of information that should help you.

Did you manage to create a response file or did you get your disc3 error whilst trying to create it.
Posted by: pjgeutjens 14 years ago
Red Belt
I don't think you should try and re-package the install, even the most accomplished packagers would steer clear

Actually it's not all that bad. You do need to be aware of the difference between the Oracle installation and the Oracle Installer though. The first is what you want in the package, where as the second is the (Java-based) contraption that is the installer Oracle developped to get the client installed on your machine. It leaves behind alot of junk on the system that is really completely irrelevant. I suspect Tiejo that the error you're getting is related to this...

In essence though, I would agree with Richard in that, if you can get a good result using the Oracle Installer and response files, stick to it.

Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Java Plugin is not correctly installed.
As an education point, this is due to two things: one, the brain-dead developers at Sun STILL don't know how to compile DLLs without the DLLRegisterServer entry-point included and two, the equally brain-dead developers at Wise/Atiris/Symantec trigger a COM extract purely on finding that entry-point, irrespective of whether the DLL contains any COM information.

You can avoid the issue by installing the EXACT flavour of JRE that the app requires BEFORE capturing. That way, the JRE doesn't get captured and Wise has no opportunity to fall over its own trap.
Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Hi Timmsie,

I've tried to read Oracle documentation, but they provide no help.

I managed to create my own response file and I've also tried to modify example response files. They both end to same error...that disc 3 can not be found.
Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Hi VBScab,

I have no idea what you're talking about, but your idea to install JRE before capturing is good.

Lets see how it goes.
Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt

I definetely would like to use Oracle response files, but installation fails when I'm trying to use my response files.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
I have no idea what you're talking about...and your job function is....?

As to the failure, something's clattering away in the deeper recesses of my mind...

Somewhere in the install folder structure is another setup.exe or install.exe (I can't recall which). Try using that.
Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Software packaking is really not my main tasks. I've really done only couple of captures, which were really simple.

I'm managing our workstation OS/software deployments.

But I really appreciate your effort to help.
Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Yeah, there's two different setup.exe's. I tried them both, but no difference.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
I tend to assume that anyone even remotely connected with Windows support would know what an entry-point is, what COM is and that DLLs/OCXs get registered via the DLLRegisterServer entry-point in those file types.
Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Well I don't and I feel myself totally unsuccessful because I don't and I'll whip myself every night until I learn what these are.

Posted by: timmsie 14 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
lovely job!

the one in here is the one to use 9iDomestic\install\win32

have a look in your response file for the disk 3 reference have you got in referenced under the variable - FROM_LOCATION_CD_LABEL
Posted by: Dantè 14 years ago
White Belt
I tend to assume that anyone even remotely connected with Windows support would know what an entry-point is, what COM is and that DLLs/OCXs get registered via the DLLRegisterServer entry-point in those file types.

Do you get out much?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Only to collect my Dweeb Monthly magazine. You?
Posted by: ravishanker62 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi Weedee,
You can create your own response file by running your setup.exe from command prompt & passing a path for your response file
setup.exe -record -destinationFile <destinationFile path>
setup.exe -record -destinationFile "C:\Oracle Client 9\oracle9_install\install\win32\Install.rsp"
it will run the setup & you have to provide all information as required for installing Oracle client and the same will be recorded into the response file.
After that you can use this new response file for your silent installation.
setup.exe -silent -responsefile "C:\Oracle Client 9\oracle9_install\install\win32\Install.rsp"

For Silent uninstall of package again you can use the same response file as mentioned below.
setup.exe -deinstall -silent -RESPONSEFILE "C:\Oracle Client 9\oracle9_install\install\win32\Install.rsp"

Hope it will answer all your queries.[8|]
Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Hi ravis,

Thanks for help.

I tried to create .rsp file much earlier. It was first thing I attempted to do automating Oracle client installation.

Problem is, that when setup.exe is started using .rsp file created, HDD does something for 5-10 seconds and then...nothing.
Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt
I tried creating .rsp file, but when attempting to start installation with setup.exe + .rsp file, HDD runs for 5-10 seconds and then...nothing.

I did this on fresh built XP SP3 computer. Oracle installer sucks bigtime.
Posted by: cygan 14 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
why don't you do a snapshot and create an msi package instead if you are struggling with creating the .rsp
Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt
I've tried to create snapshot but install with my MSI fails to error : "Java plug-in 1.3.x.x not installed" etc.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Hmmm...I wonder what could be causing that error? (!)

BTW, when capturing apps which use JRE, remember that SetupCapture is dumb and the JRE developers equally so. The first because it determines that a DLL or OCX is registerable purely on the basis that the file contains the DLLRegisterServer entry-point (rather than that it actually contains COM information) and the second because they still haven't found the compiler switch to NOT include that entry-point. The NPJAVA[x].DLL files are the principal culprits here.
Posted by: cygan 14 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
thats no problem install the flavour of java runtime first then do take your snaphot

get a clean image ie vm
install flavour of java

do your before scan
install your oracle client

do your after scan

thats all your need

the rest is down to your msi packaging knowledge and skills
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Having decided to capture, you now need to think about the pages and pages of code you're going to need to handle multiple homes (or the potential for same). Best of luck with that... :-)
Posted by: timmsie 14 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt

going back to your original question and problem.

Did you look in your original response file for the property above?
Posted by: ravishanker62 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hi weedee,

You have to remember to provide FULL PATH of your rsp file while running the setupfrom command prompt.example mentioned below otherwise it will not run after showing busy for 10/15 sec

setup.exe -silent -responsefile "C:\test\Oracle Client 9\oracle9_install\install\win32\Install.rsp"

also in the Install.rsp file (my response file) you have to provide FULL PATH of product.jar file or you can also provide the syntax like mentioned below.
#Type: String
#Description: Complete path of the products.jar.

Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Hi ravi,

I created responsefile using command you provided. FROM_LOCATION field in my install.rsp file had full path to products.jar file automatically.

When I started installation with command setup.exe -silent -responsefile "c:\install.rsp", I saw javaw.exe starts running in Task Manager for 5-10 seconds and then it disappears and nothing else happens.
Posted by: weedee 14 years ago
Orange Belt

Thanks for pointing me to right direction.

I installed flavoured Java version to my packaking platform before taking snapshot.

After I installed my MSI to another computer, it no longer failed to Java error, but finished successfully. I was also able to uninstall it.

I just have to make sure that all components are working like they should.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
As I mentioned yesterday, now you have a capture, you have to add control for multiple Oracle homes, something which the Oracle Installer takes care of for you.
Posted by: MSIPackager 14 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt
As I mentioned yesterday, now you have a capture, you have to add control for multiple Oracle homes, something which the Oracle Installer takes care of for you.

Ian, stop complicating things [;)]
Posted by: mike_msi 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
[:)] Try out Powershell script for silent installation with the necessary specs as mentioned . This will work as I have been successful. Will try to provide one if I find that in my drive
Posted by: cygan 13 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
Try out Powershell script for silent installation with the necessary specs as mentioned . This will work as I have been successful. Will try to provide one if I find that in my drive

why do you need powershell?

we are talking oracle client . a very straight forward package to do

as Rob says "lets keep it nice and simple"
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