
Remotely Uninstalling Microsoft Office 2010 x32

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I have been trying for three days to get office to remotely uninstall via the K1000. I've used every guide I've found on ITNinja and directly from Microsoft. I've tried doing it via the Managed Installs and the Uninstall Wizard in K1000 6.0+ whatever version we're running. I'm at a loss. Has ANYONE gotten Office 2010 32-bit to uninstall. If so - HOW DID YOU DO IT. Below are the following guides I've tried.



3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • You don't tell us what the outcome of the attempted uninstalls was.

    Is it that the K1000 doesn't attempt it at all? Or is that it starts the uninstall but it fails? If the latter, you know that by default, using MS's set-up executable writes a log to %SystemRoot%. What does it tell you? - anonymous_9363 10 years ago
  • I'll either get the typical Microsoft list of commands if I attempt to do the uninstall via the managed installations.

    If I attempt the uninstall via an uninstall configuration policy it says the process has completed and that all registry keys match up however, the software still exists on the machine. - SHRIVES93 10 years ago
  • HI SHRIVES93 :-) I was looking for your deployment guide, but unfortunately not on twitter anymore. I am having similar issues with deployment of 2013 and the guide would be very useful. - EDavis 8 years ago

Answers (3)

Posted by: Womain 7 years ago
Senior White Belt

To remove the entire office 2010 x86 suite:

"%~dp0\setup.exe" /config "%~dp0\Uninstall.xml" /Uninstall ProPlus


- <Configuration Product="ProPlus">
  <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="NO" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />
  <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Professional Plus Setup(*).txt" />
  <Setting Id="Reboot" Value="Never" />
  <Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="NEVER" />
  <OptionState Id="ProductFiles" State="Local" Children="force" />
Posted by: SHRIVES93 10 years ago
Yellow Belt
I've written a deployment guide! It can be found here https://twitter.com/SHRIVES93/status/484660759910043648

Thanks to everyone for all your help!

  • HI SHRIVES93 :-) I was looking for your deployment guide, but unfortunately not on twitter anymore. I am having similar issues with deployment of 2013 and the guide would be very useful. - EDavis 8 years ago
    • Hi EDavis - a link to the document is below though if you run into issues with it I'm not sure I can help out. We've actually decommissioned our K1000. Hope it helps!

      https://www.dropbox.com/s/fs7j6jpiguqnwr0/Office_2013_Instructions.pdf?dl=0 - SHRIVES93 8 years ago
    • Hi EDavis - a link to the document is below though if you run into issues with it I'm not sure I can help out. We've actually decommissioned our K1000. Hope it helps!

      https://www.dropbox.com/s/fs7j6jpiguqnwr0/Office_2013_Instructions.pdf?dl=0 - SHRIVES93 8 years ago
      • Thanks Buddy.. We have the K1000 and K2000 for APP and infra deployment. If you don't mind me asking, what are you using instead of the K1000 ? Cheers - EDavis 8 years ago
Posted by: chucksteel 10 years ago
Red Belt

We have uninstalled Office 2010 as part of our 2013 distribution. I first created an uninstall.xml file with the following contents:

 <Configuration Product="ProPlus">
<Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />
<!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Professional Plus Setup(*).txt" /> -->
<!-- <USERNAME Value="Customer" /> -->
<!-- <COMPANYNAME Value="MyCompany" /> -->
<!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> -->
<!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> -->
<!-- <LIS SOURCELIST="\\server1\share\Office;\\server2\share\Office" /> -->
<!-- <DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office" /> -->
<!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> -->
<Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never" />
<!-- <Command Path="%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> -->

This file is copied to:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\

The following command then initiates the silent uninstall:

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\setup.exe" /uninstall PROPLUS /dll OSETUP.DLL /config uninstall.xml

We have found some computers that have a corrupted 2010 installation which causes the computer to restart when this command is run, despite the setting in the XML file to never reboot.


  • How is it you copy that XML to the local machine? - SHRIVES93 10 years ago
    • In my case the XML file is included in my ZIP of the Office 2013 installation that I uploaded to KACE for the distribution. My install.bat file then runs the commands to uninstall 2010. If you are looking for a method to just uninstall 2010 then I would probably create a script and upload the XML as a dependency. Your script could then copy the file to the correct location. - chucksteel 10 years ago
      • Chuck, is there any way you could post a picture of how your ZIP file is laid out. From what it sounds like, you actually included all of your uninstall commands and uninstall files in that Office 2013 ZIP file. So is it safe to assume that you have one managed install task that copies the zip, and then the command line actually calls the XML?

        The reason I ask is because if I can package all of those commands and files into the same ZIP it will save me a TON of time instead of uninstalling Office 2010, Project, Visio, and Lync 2013 (32-bit). We're trying to push out 2013 64-bit and all of those pieces of software need to be removed before I do anything. - SHRIVES93 10 years ago
      • You are correct. Our 2013 managed install first removes 2010 if it is there and then installs 2013. The ZIP includes:
        2013 installation files
        2013 SP1 MSP files in the updates folder
        Four different MSP files in the root of the installation folder. This allows us to trigger four different types of installation: Silent install keeping 2010, silent install removing 2010, Interactive install keeping 2010, interactive install removing 2010.
        The XML file for uninstalling 2010
        Four different batch files for performing the install. This allows us to trigger the different types of installation.

        All of this is zipped up together and loaded to K1100. I then created four managed installs based on the software title. Each install then calls one of the four batch files. Here's an example of one of the batch files (SilentInstallRemovePrevious.bat):

        if exist "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\" (
        copy 2010uninstall.xml "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\2010uninstall.xml"
        "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\setup.exe" /uninstall PROPLUS /dll OSETUP.DLL /config 2010uninstall.xml
        setup.exe /adminfile FullInstallRemovePrevious.msp - chucksteel 10 years ago
      • Below is my file structure, So far, I've done the following.

        Created the XML 2010uninstall using the same text shown in your first post.

        Created SilentInstallRemovePrevious.bat using the text you've provided below.

        Created a managed install with all of the files zipped together in the same package.

        File Structure:

        Managed Install:

        The K1000 dialogue box displays and says that it is downloading Office, it downloads all of the files, but the .bat file does not execute.

        If I go into the managed install page, it says that there have been three attempts however none have "installed".

        Do you know what I could be doing wrong? I feel it could be something as simple has having a file in the wrong place. Thanks so much! - SHRIVES93 10 years ago
      • Check the box for "Don't prepend msiexec.exe" on the managed install. - chucksteel 10 years ago
      • Hi chuck.
        Came across this thread.
        Would like to uninstall office 2010 via a script.
        Would like a little bit more detail as to
        how I would copy the xml file from a dependency
        to the local host within the script. (Command line for batch file maybe....)
        Or....how do I get it to run on the local machine?
        Thanks - akmagnum 8 years ago
    • After clicking "Don't Prepend msiexec.exe" I found that I was having the same results.
      After looking at the .bat file I found that it was actually searching for the 64-bit version and we have the 32-bit installed. I edited the batch to look for the 32-bit version instead (shown below)

      if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\" ( copy 2010uninstall.xml "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\2010uninstall.xml" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\Office Setup Controller\Setup.exe" /uninstall PROPLUS /dll OSETUP.DLL /config 2010uninstall.xml ) setup.exe /adminfile FullInstallRemovePrevious.msp

      The only thing I'm not sure of in your batch file that I don't have is your FullInstallRemovePrevious.msp - but I would think that that's your Office Configuration file which would run after the software has been uninstalled? - SHRIVES93 10 years ago
      • The FullInstallRemovePrevious.msp is the configuration file created with the Office Setup Administration tool (or whatever its called) (setup.exe /admin). For you that might be the Office_2013_Staff_Faculty.msp file. - chucksteel 10 years ago
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