
RightFax 9.4 Windows 7

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Hi Guys,

I was just wondering if anyone had success installing RightFax for Windows 7, I have recieved the latest CD from the vendor which installs fine running manually on an Windows 7 build, but when I try to install it from SCCM, with the command setup.exe /unattended=true /allowShutdown=false /add="FaxUtil,FaxCtrl," /rightFaxServer="dpsfax1", the install nearly completes but gets an error Access to the path "Captaris is Denied".


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Answers (16)

Posted by: pjgeutjens 14 years ago
Red Belt
Guys, sorry to revive this thread, but I'm faced with abit of an issue:

my current employer wants Rightfax 9.4 to be part of all machines' default software on Windows 7. This means they want to install Rightfax during an SCCM OS Deployment task sequence.
Result is there's no mail client installed on the machines, and when, at the end of the setup, Rightfax gets started it shows a warning to this extent (" No email program associated to perform the requested action")

As you can imagine this is a blocking issue for silent OSD install. I've looked extensively at the Package KB, and googled, but this issue doesn't seem to be touched. Have any of you ever faced this and found a solution? I'm thinking either along the lines of 'faking' an IMAP client, or suppressing this warning.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


  • I know this was a long time ago but do you by any chance remember the solution? We are getting the same issue since updating to Lotus Notes - Karzmo 10 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
Could it be UAC? Perhaps the program folder needs to be permissioned to allow users to write there?
Posted by: Rheuvel 14 years ago
Brown Belt
If it's done by SCCM, it's probably under SYSTEM account?

Where does the folder Captaris refer to?

I've had errors similar to that. Spent hours trying to figure out why access was being denied locally, while in the end it turned out the installer was trying to access a network share (on which a folder with exactly the same name was located) to get some config file.
Posted by: lady.d 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I have installed it on win 7 and yes it works through sccm. I used the same install that we had for XP, no tweeks needed. There are a few posts and check out the KB on this forum - same detail applies. good luck.
Posted by: arovbukay 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Can anyone help? i've just completed the install of Rightfax 9.4 on Windows 7 running Office 2010. Is there a Rightfax addin for Outlook 2010? I have installed the Client base, then Feature pack 1 and SR3 but do not see any add-ins within outlook.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
I know absolutely nothing about RF but if it's like other fax software I've dealt with, doesn't it just manifest itself as a print device?
Posted by: arovbukay 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
It does, but in previous version of Outlook, there was an Outlook add-in that gave the user a small button with "FAX" written on it, made things easier. Just want to know if there is something like this for Outlook 2010.
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
Do I also recall that the standard Ribbon in Office (2007 and 2010) cannot be customised? I think customisations have to be done to a new widget, kind of like you would have done with previous versipons of Office where you'd select a new toolbar and add to that.
Posted by: arovbukay 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
it does seem like office 2010 needs to be customised differently, but previous versions showed the rightfax add-in enabled under Outlook add-ins, which isnt the case in 2010. (if that makes sense)
Posted by: dodgy 13 years ago
Orange Belt
Couple of things to check:

- Is it listed in the diabled items list?
- Have a look under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins, what addins are listed? If the RF addin is listed what is the LoadBehavior value set to? Should be 3.
- Check HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins as per above.

Also are you using 9.4 Feature Pack 1?
Posted by: arovbukay 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
No, its not in the disabled list and neither of the Keys below are present.
Yes, I installed Client base, 9.4 then Feature Pack 1 and finally Service Release 3.

Are you confirming that there is supposed to be a button for Rightfax in Outlook 2010?
Posted by: dodgy 13 years ago
Orange Belt
Yes, 9.4 FP1 included Outlook 2010 integration.

So just to confirm the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins or the HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins keys do not exist at all?
Posted by: arovbukay 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
No, both HKCU and HKLM keys : Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins exist, but there is nothing to do with Rightfax within them.
Posted by: cderrington 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
There is not a Outlook 2010 client For RightFax 9.4. Open Text is releasing a completely new Outlook client with RightFax version 10. More information about version 10 can be found here: http://rightfax.com/2011/04/rightfax-10-coming-spring-2011/
Posted by: rtbywals 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
We are having an issue here as well using SCCM and the OSD the package says it installed but it does not I dont even see a rightfax folder
We are installing on Win 7 Enterprise 32 bit and are not trying to install outlook integraton bellow is the command string I am using in the package.

Setup.exe /unattended=true /allowShutdown=true /add="FaxCtrl" /rightFaxServer="rightfax"
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
My guess in your case is that the primary set-up EXE calls another EXE to actually install the product. Since the first one exits cleanly, SCCM assumes the install worked.
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