
Runkbot 4 0

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I have a question, please answer. I use KACE K1000 SMA. On the device menu on the KACE dashboard there are devices that are not connected to the KACE server, but after I check the computer in question, it turns out that the computer is connected to the KACE server, then I run runkbot 4 0 on that computer and I check the device menu on the computer's KACE dashboard re-connected and last inventory changes. Why does this happen like this? And how do I not need to run runkbot 4 0 manually?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: akmagnum 5 years ago
Red Belt

Are you saying that the machine is showing offline when it is actually connected?

In that case you might have to reinstall the agent if it is having problems.

When you runkbot, you are forcing the machine to update its inventory on the Kace SMA.

So after the kbot.... the machine sends all the update and changes it has made since the last inventory.

So naturally the last inventory will change to reflect the most recent time the machine checked in to the SMA.

Posted by: Hamzah Nasrudin 5 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

I tried to reinstall the KACE agent, but it didn't work. Is there another solution?

  • Try running amptools clearcache and then runkbot 4 0 from a command prompt within the C:\program files (x86)\quest folder. - flip1001 5 years ago
    • I have run amptools clearcache then runkbot 4 0 via the command line but there is no change - Hamzah Nasrudin 5 years ago
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