
Silent install for MS Window Mobile Device Center

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Can some one help me with this... This is my source drvupdate-amd64.exe.I am trying to install Window Mobile Device Center silently. the exe extracts 1 msi and one setup.exe .I used this command - "driver_setup.exe /quiet /i drvupdate-x86.msi"; but this does not make the installation silent.Has anyone packaged this app before?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 10 years ago
Red Belt

Your command line will never work, since that EXE doesn't understand the '/i' argument.

I used the extracted MSI with a transform, then used the usual command line arguments to suppress the UI. You end up with another MSI in the 'Drivers' folder (WMUPDATE.MSI, from memory) and my command file executed that, again with a transform.

  • @VBScab, thanks fr the reply , yes that command did not work :(but i already tried this, installed the 2 extractd msi's, but i found many files missing after install .thats y i am trying to find a silent switch fr the exe. p.s i havent created mst's yet, installed 2 msi's directly. - Tanu 10 years ago
  • Also I ran the msi's itself(without creating mst), so the behaviour shud be same as that of source(EXE), but it is not - Tanu 10 years ago
Posted by: Badger 10 years ago
Red Belt

Def run just the MSI, I have just done this, there are two MSIs to run separately.

It fails to install silently in SCCM.
There are threads around on the interweb which mention updating the two DLL files in the binary table to a later version (DIFxApp & DIFxAppA)


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