
Suppress iTunes 10.6 Auto Update

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Been trying to package the product with no success. It will not suppress updatea and gives the following error on deployment.


Service 'Apple Mobile Device' (Apple Mopbile Device) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privilages to start system services.

My method for deployment is:


extract the msi's

msiexec /i"\\server\AppleApplicationSupport.msi" /quiet /norestart
msiexec /i"\\server\Bonjour.msi" /quiet /passive


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Answers (5)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: RandomITPro 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

Please refer to the following, esp. for the EULA fix:


Alot of people dislike how itunes installs ;)

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
Red Belt

you can turn off updates via parental controls in the registry.


  • That is odd, the document you linked indicates it's for iTunes 10.7 and later, but on the Apple download site I only see 10.6? - Timanator 12 years ago
  • 7.1 and later - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
  • I tried the registry settings and it did not suppress the Eula or Update

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default]
    "KParentalFlags_DisableCheckFor Updates"="0x00200000"
    "kParentlFlags_DisableFirstRunWelcomeWindow"="0x01000000" - Timanator 12 years ago
    • These options are "bitmask / bit and" options, these are not ment to be entered seperately into the registry.
      since these are AdminFlag options, you must create a registry key that is called AdminFlags and put the wanted options in there, so in your case you want to disable the auto update and the firstrunwelcome, put the two values together and you get the aswer from Timanator below: "AdminFlags"=dword:00000101 (#16777473). That is how that works.

      good luck!

      Koen. - koeneijken 12 years ago
  • did you set kParentalFlags_Locked bit to 1? - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
  • Just tried that and it still set updates to Enabled. - Timanator 12 years ago
  • Found something that works.


    Add reg:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default]
    "AdminFlags"=dword:00000101 - Timanator 12 years ago
Posted by: RandomITPro 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

Your on the right track but you need to include the AppleMobleDeviceSupport.MSI as well. Remember there are seperate MSI for 64bit.

  • I used the AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi from my version 10 package, now the error is no longer showing up when running 10.6 itunes silent. But the updates and Eula are still not suppressed. - Timanator 12 years ago
  • itunes by its self will check for updates but the it without the separate update MSi which you didn't include it cant check for updates all the time. - RandomITPro 12 years ago
Posted by: koeneijken 12 years ago
White Belt

Deploy iTunes and disable automatic update checking:

Download iTunes from the apple website and run it, go to %temp%\IXPnnn.TMP (nnn is a random number)

copy the files in the %temp%\IXPnnn.TMP directory to another directory and terminate the installation.

edit iTunes.msi using an MSI editor, for example orca and add the following registry keys in the registry table:

Registry, Root, Key, Name, Value, Component_

reg01, SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls, +, ,iTunesDefaultProgramsRegistry

reg02, SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default, +, ,iTunesDefaultProgramsRegistry

reg03, SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default, AdminFlags, #16777473, iTunesDefaultProgramsRegistry

Save your MSI

this will set the default parental controls of the application to locked, and then disables the first use welcome screen and the check for updates fuction. users cannot undo this without editing the registry.

For more information refer to this Apple kb page: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2102

Install these MSI's that come with the iTunes MSI:

1. AppleApplicationSupport.msi
2. AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi
3. Bonjour.msi
4. iTunes.msi


good luck!


Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

Follow below link to package latest version of itunes for Windows 7


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