TouchPaper Helpdesk
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Has anyone packaged TouchPaper Helpdesk 6.7? It s an InstallShield Script msi and I have tried to repackage it in InstallShield v.11 into a Windows Installer msi, but I get tons of errors. So I have decided to distribute ISScript.msi and set up the property ISSETUPDRIVEN=1 (to get round the "msi requires to be launched by the Setup.exe" error). It starts to install but then it just decides to roll back.
Has anyone packaged TouchPaper Helpdesk 6.7? It s an InstallShield Script msi and I have tried to repackage it in InstallShield v.11 into a Windows Installer msi, but I get tons of errors. So I have decided to distribute ISScript.msi and set up the property ISSETUPDRIVEN=1 (to get round the "msi requires to be launched by the Setup.exe" error). It starts to install but then it just decides to roll back.
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Posted by:
17 years ago
Bizarrely, I have a request in to package TouchPaper 6.7 too. Although looking at the schedule it's not due to be started for a few months.
Do you get anything in the log files that points to the problem?
The other option is to run the setup executable and pass your MSI switches through setup:
setup.exe /s /v "transforms=touchpaper.mst"
You can also add public properties and set log file options etc. using the /V switch.
Without devling into what actions the setup.exe file is performing before the MSI is launched it may be easier to use the above method.
There is a possibility that someone with too much time on their hands may be able to assist you further with ISSETUPDRIVEN settings - if you post an install log [:D]
Hope this helps,
Bizarrely, I have a request in to package TouchPaper 6.7 too. Although looking at the schedule it's not due to be started for a few months.
Do you get anything in the log files that points to the problem?
The other option is to run the setup executable and pass your MSI switches through setup:
setup.exe /s /v "transforms=touchpaper.mst"
You can also add public properties and set log file options etc. using the /V switch.
Without devling into what actions the setup.exe file is performing before the MSI is launched it may be easier to use the above method.
There is a possibility that someone with too much time on their hands may be able to assist you further with ISSETUPDRIVEN settings - if you post an install log [:D]
Hope this helps,
Posted by:
17 years ago
Hi Christian,
to solve this, you have to log the installation and see, where it breaks.
To solve the ISScript problem, the best solution would be to add the ISScript.msm Merge Module to the app.
With this, you have one MSI and a transform, that's all.
for an in deep explanation of this scenario from AngelD.
Hope, this points you on the right track.
Regards, Nick
to solve this, you have to log the installation and see, where it breaks.
To solve the ISScript problem, the best solution would be to add the ISScript.msm Merge Module to the app.
With this, you have one MSI and a transform, that's all.
for an in deep explanation of this scenario from AngelD.
Hope, this points you on the right track.
Regards, Nick
Posted by:
17 years ago
Posted by:
17 years ago
Thank you for the prompt response, I am now trying to install via a batch script that calls the setup.exe with the /s/v/qn. Customization is via a setu.iss file. The setup.log that is created simply says:
which would mean it is succesfull.
I have imported the registry keys about dsn as a component into the msi and it seems to work fine. We use Novell Console One for deployment and I just now have to wrap up the batch script in a Zen object for distribution. Hope it works,
Thanks again for your advice, really appreciated it!
Thank you for the prompt response, I am now trying to install via a batch script that calls the setup.exe with the /s/v/qn. Customization is via a setu.iss file. The setup.log that is created simply says:
which would mean it is succesfull.
I have imported the registry keys about dsn as a component into the msi and it seems to work fine. We use Novell Console One for deployment and I just now have to wrap up the batch script in a Zen object for distribution. Hope it works,
Thanks again for your advice, really appreciated it!
Posted by:
17 years ago
I am actually trying to package this right now. I have tried changing the helpdesk.msi so that is has the ISSETUPDRIVEN in the propery table, but that did no good. I have tried so that it runs the isscript.msi before it tries to run setup.exe, but with no luck. What exactly did you do to manage to get this to work? All I really care about is that it launches setup. I dont need it to run silent or enter fields for me. Thanks for the help.
Posted by:
16 years ago
Did you get this to work...I am working on it now and have the same roll back issues you had. I've also done a setup /r to create my .iss file, but when I run it silently with something like: setup /s -f1Setup.iss /V/qn one of the dialogues pops up!!! so much for /qn??
Any help much appreciated.
Did you get this to work...I am working on it now and have the same roll back issues you had. I've also done a setup /r to create my .iss file, but when I run it silently with something like: setup /s -f1Setup.iss /V/qn one of the dialogues pops up!!! so much for /qn??
Any help much appreciated.
Posted by:
16 years ago
Posted by:
16 years ago
I've just been looking into touchpaper software called ChangeManager 6.4 and deploying it via script.
Not having much luck finding out what command line switches i can use.
Currently i have: setup /S /v"/qn /l* C:\ChangeMan.log". This is not helpful as the install is not cutomised and does not actually install. How can i create a iss file? what is the correct syntax to create a iss file?
Does anyone have a reference guide for touchpaper command line switches?
Thanks in advance.
Not having much luck finding out what command line switches i can use.
Currently i have: setup /S /v"/qn /l* C:\ChangeMan.log". This is not helpful as the install is not cutomised and does not actually install. How can i create a iss file? what is the correct syntax to create a iss file?
Does anyone have a reference guide for touchpaper command line switches?
Thanks in advance.
Posted by:
16 years ago
There's a ton of stuff on Google about recording answer files for InstallShield set-up stubs but, from memory, you need the '/R' switch to record an ISS.
However, if the stub spits out an MSI (which it seems to, given that you're passing arguments to MSIExec...) you may find it easier to use the MSI and customise that using a transform file. Ultimately, I guess, it depends on how you're going to deploy the package.
However, if the stub spits out an MSI (which it seems to, given that you're passing arguments to MSIExec...) you may find it easier to use the MSI and customise that using a transform file. Ultimately, I guess, it depends on how you're going to deploy the package.

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