
ZoomText 10.1

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Anyone have any luck deploying ZoomText 10.1 with ? CheezWhiz's directions work with a silent install via SCCM, but on first launch a message appears saying that ZoomText needs to be launched as an admin to make changes to the registry.  After first launch this way it works fine so it mostly deploys but is missing the final config.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • The thing is, that a silent install with, all the appropriate switches runs correctly when run from a command prompt on a machine. It makes the appropriate registry changes during the install. If the same install is deployed via SCCM, it does not seem to behave the same. I did use Regshot, and if it was a handful of reg entries, I would add them as part of the install. Regshot shows more than 50 registry entries that get changed/added. Some are system registry entries. I was just looking for some input from Sys admins that may have had to deploy this product. I am sure it is great as an accessibility software, but in terms of enterprise deployment, it is a pain. - Mishaua 9 years ago
  • Yes, this is a terrible issue with this software.
    I contacted their support a year ago and they had no solution. I too tried to look at what it was doing and it was quite overwhelming and unless machines were identical, I would guess impossible to replicate with a script and reg files.

    From their tech support: "Unfortunately we have had reports of issues with deploying ZoomText with SCCM where you get the message where you have to log in with admin rights to launch it the first time. Unfortunately we do not have a fix for this. Our developers are looking into the issue. Unfortunately we do not have a time frame on a fix. If possible send us the log files to ZoomText so we can pass it along to development to help them with trying to fix the issue. Thanks." - CheezWiz 8 years ago

Answers (3)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt
Soooooooo...why would you not capture those changes and add them to your package or create a 'ZoomText configuration' package?

  • +1 and..
    *cough-RegShot-cough,might-cough-help. - rileyz 9 years ago
  • It appears that when zoomtext runs the first time, it does a lot of configuration based on hardware/graphics configuration. It creates thousands of entries in classes as well as what appears to be driver shims. I do not think this would work unless machines were identical in configuration and hardware specification. - CheezWiz 8 years ago
Posted by: CheezWiz 8 years ago
Senior White Belt
Yes, this is a terrible issue with this software. 
I contacted their support a year ago and they had no solution. I too tried to look at what it was doing and it was quite overwhelming and unless machines were identical, I would guess impossible to replicate with a script and reg files.

From their tech support: "Unfortunately we have had reports of issues with deploying ZoomText with SCCM where you get the message where you have to log in with admin rights to launch it the first time. Unfortunately we do not have a fix for this. Our developers are looking into the issue. Unfortunately we do not have a time frame on a fix. If possible send us the log files to ZoomText so we can pass it along to development to help them with trying to fix the issue. Thanks."
Posted by: CheezWiz 8 years ago
Senior White Belt
They have mostly fixed this issue in the latest version. They have added the /SCCM command line switch to ctreate the needed registry entries via the system account. However, this does not fix everything. I have added an additional deployment tip that explains how to get around the last hurdle.

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