Discovering the switches is straight-forward: TableauPrep-2018-1-2.exe /? will display the above window with all the available switches and install properties. I was unable to turn of auto-update: the log reported "Ignoring attempt to set non-overridable variable: 'AUTOUPDATE'.
Note that per Tableau, Prep can only use 64-bit drivers:
Tableau Prep can only use 64-bit drivers (unlike Tableau Desktop, which can use 32-bit drivers). If you already have drivers installed, but they are 32-bit, you need to install the 64-bit Tableau Desktop drivers to use with Tableau Prep.
I used this for the install:
TableauPrep-2018-1-1.exe /quiet /norestart /log c:\mylogfile.log ACCEPTEULA=1 DESKTOPSHORTCUT=1 STARTMENUSHORTCUT=1 SENTELEMETRY=”0”
Tableau Prep will also install, at least:
- Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver 64-bit
- MS ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server
- MS Visual C++ 2013 Redist (x64) 12.0.30501.0/2015 14.0.24215.1
- PostgreSQL ODBC_64
For the uninstall:
The uninstall string in the registry didn't work. This did (using the original exe installer on the network source):
TableauPrep-2018-1-2.exe /uninstall /quiet /norestart /log C:\mylogfile.log
I also uninstalled psqlODBC_64:
Msiexec.exe /X{3D4F4C5A-28C7-441D-81DC-2AA2C1A61B6A} /qb-! /L*v mylogfile.log
And Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver 64-bit:
Msiexec.exe /X{788C401A-726B-4CE7-8BC2-89FD7967A6ED} /qb-! /L*v C:\mylogfile.log