
Synaptics VMM3320 MST HUB

Dell released a firmware update for docking station (fixes the monitor blinking).  On K1 Dell Updates Catalog, these 2 firmware updates shows up.  However, there is no way to flash the update to the dock since these 2 updates will not get downloaded.  I thought of doing a script to deploy but there is no passive switch so the end-user can see that this update successfully completed.  I have come up with a simple silent install with log file but it doesn't say that if it completed successfully.

Any ideas how to flag this? or better way to deploy?

here's my simple silent script
FV9KP_WN32_3.10.1_A07.exe /s /l="c:\tmp\monitordock_A07.txt"
WNV4C_WN32_3.10.1_A01.exe /s /l="c:\tmp\monitordock_A01.txt"


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Answers (1)

Posted by: rileyz 8 years ago
Red Belt

First I would flash the firmware and see if you get decent exit code, ie 0 for success, of course you need to make sure you get other error code as well. For example flash it on a non Dell computer to make sure if throws errors. If you can capture this then you have a good mechanism to capture error or success.


Failing the above, does the firmware flash produce a log? If it does you can parse the log or error or success.


Failing the above again, moving onto plan C, does it produce output to screen in regards to success or error? If so, you can pipe that to file or variable and do a string search for success or error.

I just had a look at the firmware, you will need to parse the log file, it dosent return error success codes (stupid firmware). But parsing a file will be pretty easy, the logs are written in a decent manner. Hope you have good scripting foo! (:

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