We are upgrading our UNVC version to 1.18. The script works great and upgrades just fine. I've noticed that the install puts a shortcut to the Uvnc_settings.exe file in the start menu (shows as Edit settings). It will allow the user to change some settings even if we have the properties locked out using the ultravnc.ini file. Is there a good way to remove this shortcut using the install script? I've tried to delete the shortcut at the end of the script, but it fails since the workstation needs to reboot for the install to finish.
Answers (1)
you can add a line to your script to poke the registry to delete it after reboot by adding a command to the run once prior to reboot in your script.
start /wait reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v killuvncshorcut /d "del C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\rest of path to unvc\unvc name.lnk"
you will need to get rest of correct info after \programs\ I made that part up for the answer.
That worked perfectly. Very simple to do. Thank you for your help! - grahamike 11 years ago