
ALK Technologies PC*MILER

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Views: 2.6k  |  Created: 05/16/2019 by: lbyers

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Deployment Tips (2)

Most Common Setup Type
Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 2 / 5 (Somewhat Easy) based on 2 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)
Command Line

Installing PC*MILER: Silent Installation
Modified on: Jun 28, 2018

Open a command prompt.

Change your current directory to the server install location.

Create a record of the silent install. Type “setup.exe –r” into the command prompt. This will launch the setup.exe as normal, but now it will be logging whatever you click in the Installshield user interface into a special file called “setup.iss”. Complete the install and close the installer.

Go to the Windows folder and look for “setup.iss”. This is the recording file that you just created. Copy it into the directory where setup.exe is located.

Uninstall PCMiler so that you can test the silent install next.

From the command prompt, type “setup.exe /s”. This will install completely silently using the same choices that you made earlier. It should not pop up any windows.

Now you can run “setup.exe /s” on as many computers as you want after that.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)
Deployment Difficulty: Very Easy
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line

Deactivating, Uninstalling and Transferring a License

Modified on: Dec 17, 2018

You must fully deactivate the product’s license and uninstall all PC*MILER components, including local, network, enterprise, or server installations if you want to:

  • Transfer any PC*MILER installation to a new computer.
  • Reformat a computer that PC*MILER is currently installed to.
  • Return the product.
  • Reinstall on the same PC.

IMPORTANT: If you are attempting to uninstall an older version of PC*MILER, you may not be able to reinstall and reactivate it on a new computer due to changes in supported operating systems and other technical issues.

How to Deactivate and Uninstall

1. Open the PC*MILER application and start the License Tool by selecting the Help tab > License Tool. Then, in the PC*MILER License Tool window, click Deactivate.

2. In the PC*MILER Product Deactivation window, click Deactivate.

3. When the deactivation is complete, you will see a “Deactivation Complete” message, with the deactivated product keys listed below. You may want to cut and paste those keys if you plan to transfer PC*MILER to another computer.

4. Close the Product Deactivation and License Tool windows.

5. To uninstall after deactivating, go to the Start menu and find Control Panel > Apps & Features (or the equivalent on your system).

6. Highlight PC*MILER (version number), right-mouse click and select Uninstall.

7. Click Yes at the prompt to completely remove the application.

8. Click Finish when the installation process is complete. Once the uninstall process is finished, you will need to delete the …ALK Technologies\PCMILERxx folder manually to completely remove the PC*MILER application from your system. The default location for this folder is C:\ALK Technologies\PCMILERxx.

NOTE: If you deactivate an installation that included PC*MILER components that were licensed and added after the initial installation, you will need to add those components separately again when you reinstall.

How to Transfer and Reinstall to Another Computer

Follow the instructions for your type of PC*MILER installation and, when prompted, enter the product key that you just deactivated on the old computer. Common installation types include:

Single User Local (Non-Network) Installation

Multi-User Network Installation

If you need help transferring a license to another computer, Technical Support is available for:

  • Customers who are signed up for the ALK Annual Support & Update Program (AUP license purchase). 
  • Customers who purchased PC*MILER as a Perpetual license within the past 12 months. 

If your Perpetual license is beyond one year, please contact your sales representative for upgrade or support options. 

Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)
Deployment Difficulty: Somewhat Easy
Platform(s): Windows

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