
BusinessObjects 6.5

Version: 65

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Views: 9.6k  |  Created: 04/28/2007

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Deployment Tips (11)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 3 / 5 (Average) based on 3 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Windows Installer with Custom Transform (MST)

If you would like to use the MSI you could say, msiexec.exe /i ...\businessObjects.msi LICENSEDIR="..." ADDLOCAL=bo,.. ALLUSERS=1/MIGRATION=0/INSTALLVBA=1 TRANSFORMS=...mst /qb

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

I have to disagree with comments about needing to repackage this native MSI. The MSI does have thousands of CAB files (3 CD's worth) but it works perfectly well. Using a Transform to add my required license and Bomain keys etc I used the vendors different feature levels with complete sucess to perform the /QB level install I wanted. Depending on how you are deplying, ensure you copy your license keys to the machine before the BO custom action which checks for them. The property for the license key location is LICENSEDIR.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
I had no problem creating and using a transform for the MSI as supplied. Because my client installs silently (and who, in this vendor's market, doesn't?!?) my issues arose out of whichever brain-dead packager built the MSI.

- Add a property INSTALL_xx, where 'xx' is the two-letter short name for the language you will install. Set its value to 'Y'.

- Add a property DEFAULTLANG. Set its value to 'xx', where 'xx' is the two-letter short name for the language you will install.

- Copy or move the following CAs to the Execute sequence:
-- BOSetInstallType
-- BOSetInstallTypeMin
-- BOSetInstallTypeMin2

- Set an impossible-to-meet condition on the BOSetLanguageProperties CA, otherwise your 'INSTALL_xx' language-setting property will be deleted.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

Although BO 6.5.1 comes with a msi, it's best to repackage the app (if you install only on one kind of OS). The vendor msi is filled up with cabfiles and file references to it. also the language versions are very hard to delete (if you only need the UK version) I repackaged with Wise package studio. Remove the following files/keys. everything under the user: My Documents\My business Objects.... everything under windows\profile All current user registry keys. You can capture the regkey for the registration and add this to the installation.(I put also an active setup exe for this key in the package (search for active setup on the forums)) BusinessObjects has his own repairfunctons for the usersettings so don't include them in youur package. if you do you end up with msi repairing BO and BO repairing msi. Also the APC62.DLL gave me some errors on XPPro removing this component was the solution. Cheers! SV

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
I agree to repackage this installation, especially if you need to apply a patch that is not a Windows Installer patch. Repackaging will downsize the package size, increase the installation time and simplify the customisation.

To remove the APC62.dll is not a solution; this would disable the VBA in BO and other products.

The reason of the self-repair is that BO6 uses details from PublishComponent (HKCR\Installer\Components) to access the VBA components (specially the MSO9.dll). You wonÂ’t get this problem if you use the appropriate Merge Modules from Microsoft. Otherwise make sure that use the PublishComponet Table for the following files:

File ComponentId Qualifier
MSOINTL.DLL, {CC29EA45-7BC2-11D1-A921-00A0C91E2AA2}, 1033
VBE6INTL.DLL,{5D47B1C1-A7F6-11D1-9ACC-006097C4E452}, 1033
mso9.dll, {CC29E943-7BC2-11D1-A921-00A0C91E2AA2}, mso.dll_9.0
link.exe, {998D5DAD-413C-11D2-8D18-00C04FB17665}, link.exe_6.0
mspdb60.dll, {998D5DAE-413C-11D2-8D18-00C04FB17665}, mspdb.dll_6.0
vb6debug.dll,{998D5DAC-413C-11D2-8D18-00C04FB17665}, vbdebug.dll_6.0
signer.dll, {D304E920-A68A-11D1-B5B5-006097C998E7}, signer.dll
VBE6.DLL, {D304E920-A68A-11D1-B5B5-006097C998E7}, vbe.dll_6.0

This will do the trick!
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
I've also repackaged the application, BO 6.5.1 including SP2 and fixes. I also came across the APC62.dll error (error 1911) and I used the solution which is mentioned on the Altris KB with the regtlib utility. Works perfect for me.

Another error which popped up was "A component is missing or is corrupted. Debug information: ##kbus.dll#konfoli.dll#OLAPINTERFACE#Olap Interface#Module Name:" Solution: search for this entry in the registry and delete one "#" in front of kbus.dll.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
The vendorÂ’s documentation recommends passing parameters to the installation through the command line as opposed to building a MST around the extracted MSI. The installation is built with Installshield. They generated a setup.exe.

See he "deployment_installation_configuration_windows.pdf" included with Business Objects - Page 73 and Appendix B for an explanation of the switches and installation options.

I started building a Command Line, but it quickly grew to over 500 characters. it looked like this:

\\<Path to EXE>\Setup.exe /S /v " /qn Migration=1 /INSTALLTYPE=1 MIGRATION=1 MIGRATIONPROMPT=0 /USERNAME="MyUser"
/INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Business Objects\"
ADDLOCAL=bo,bo.rdbms.Oracle,bo.rdbms.Microsoft,bo.rdbms.ODBC,bo.demos,bo.BusinessObjectsReporter, bo.BusinessObjectsExplorer,bo.BusinessObjectsHelp,bo.BusinessObjectsDoc"
LICENSEDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Business Objects\License\"
LOCALKEYDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects entriprise6\LocData""

I then used InstallShield Tuner to create a MST.
1) Choose the features to load
2) Select the Direct Editor and Edit the Property Table.
3) Check out the values for "SecureCustomProperties" properties. These are the properties that BO is looking for a value for, either from the command line or defined in the properties table.
4) In the Properties Table add a value for each of these "Secure Cusotm Properties"
Properties are case-sensitive!
5) In Files and Folders create a locData folder and add your local keys
LOCALKEYDIR = C:\Program Files\Business Objects BusinessObjects Enterprise 6\LocData
6) Create a LicenseDir and add your license key
LICENSEDIR = C:\Program Files\Business Objects BusinessObjects Enterprise 6\License

7) I also defined the property MigrationPrompt=0 so my clients will not be allowed to choose if they want to upgrade.

8) TIP - SecureCustomProperties - Remove the reference to LicenseDir. You will still need your License copied to the License directory, but without this property the installation will work much better.

My command line is now c:\msiexec.exe /i "Source\Media\BusinessObjects.msi" transforms="Source\Media\BusinessObjects651.mst" /qn

Although my weapon of choice is WISE, to be a full service Desktop Engineer it helps to have a copy of Admin Studio and InstallShield Tuner.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
The APC62.dll has errors in it. The versionindependentprogid has a typing-error, so all related classids have this error. The error is the "versionindependEntprogid", which is misspelled as "versionindependAntprogid" (the E is misspelled as an A; I capitalized them for clarity).

Solution is as follows:
Make a reg-file of the following registry keys:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{CB472525-5C11-11D3-A6B5-00105AC594F0}\Implemented Categories]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{CB472525-5C11-11D3-A6B5-00105AC594F0}\Implemented Categories\{40FC6ED5-2438-11CF-A3DB-080036F12502}]





Then remove all references to the APC62.dll file from the Typelib and Class tables (except for the file-table of course). Compile and run your MSI; it will run smoothly!
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
I agree to repackage this installation, especially if you need to apply a patch that is not a Windows Installer patch. Repackaging will downsize the package size, increase the installation time and simplify the customisation.

To remove the APC62.dll is not a solution; this would disable the VBA in BO and other products.

The reason of the self-repair is that BO6 uses details from PublishComponent (HKCR\Installer\Components) to access the VBA components (specially the MSO9.dll). You won’t get this problem if you use the appropriate Merge Modules from Microsoft. Otherwise make sure that use the PublishComponet Table for the following files:

File ComponentId Qualifier
MSOINTL.DLL, {CC29EA45-7BC2-11D1-A921-00A0C91E2AA2}, 1033
VBE6INTL.DLL,{5D47B1C1-A7F6-11D1-9ACC-006097C4E452}, 1033
mso9.dll, {CC29E943-7BC2-11D1-A921-00A0C91E2AA2}, mso.dll_9.0
link.exe, {998D5DAD-413C-11D2-8D18-00C04FB17665}, link.exe_6.0
mspdb60.dll, {998D5DAE-413C-11D2-8D18-00C04FB17665}, mspdb.dll_6.0
vb6debug.dll,{998D5DAC-413C-11D2-8D18-00C04FB17665}, vbdebug.dll_6.0
signer.dll, {D304E920-A68A-11D1-B5B5-006097C998E7}, signer.dll
VBE6.DLL, {D304E920-A68A-11D1-B5B5-006097C998E7}, vbe.dll_6.0

This will do the trick!
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
The vendor’s documentation recommends passing parameters to the installation through the command line as opposed to building a MST around the extracted MSI. The installation is built with Installshield. They generated a setup.exe.

See he "deployment_installation_configuration_windows.pdf" included with Business Objects - Page 73 and Appendix B for an explanation of the switches and installation options.

I started building a Command Line, but it quickly grew to over 500 characters. it looked like this:

\\<Path to EXE>\Setup.exe /S /v " /qn Migration=1 /INSTALLTYPE=1 MIGRATION=1 MIGRATIONPROMPT=0 /USERNAME="MyUser"
/INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Business Objects\"
ADDLOCAL=bo,bo.rdbms.Oracle,bo.rdbms.Microsoft,bo.rdbms.ODBC,bo.demos,bo.BusinessObjectsReporter, bo.BusinessObjectsExplorer,bo.BusinessObjectsHelp,bo.BusinessObjectsDoc"
LICENSEDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Business Objects\License\"
LOCALKEYDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects entriprise6\LocData""

I then used InstallShield Tuner to create a MST.
1) Choose the features to load
2) Select the Direct Editor and Edit the Property Table.
3) Check out the values for "SecureCustomProperties" properties. These are the properties that BO is looking for a value for, either from the command line or defined in the properties table.
4) In the Properties Table add a value for each of these "Secure Cusotm Properties"
Properties are case-sensitive!
5) In Files and Folders create a locData folder and add your local keys
LOCALKEYDIR = C:\Program Files\Business Objects BusinessObjects Enterprise 6\LocData
6) Create a LicenseDir and add your license key
LICENSEDIR = C:\Program Files\Business Objects BusinessObjects Enterprise 6\License

7) I also defined the property MigrationPrompt=0 so my clients will not be allowed to choose if they want to upgrade.

8) TIP - SecureCustomProperties - Remove the reference to LicenseDir. You will still need your License copied to the License directory, but without this property the installation will work much better.

My command line is now c:\msiexec.exe /i "Source\Media\BusinessObjects.msi" transforms="Source\Media\BusinessObjects651.mst" /qn

Although my weapon of choice is WISE, to be a full service Desktop Engineer it helps to have a copy of Admin Studio and InstallShield Tuner.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
For Business Object 6.5.1 here is a command line for installing the client only silently:

<path>\setup.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLLANG=en MIGRATION=0 ADDLOCAL=bo, bo.AccessPacks, bo.rdbms.ODBC, bo.rdbms.ODBC3, bo.rdbms.ODBC2, bo.rdbms, bo.rdbms.Sybase, bo.rdbms.SybaseODBCIQ, bo.rdbms.SybaseOpenClient, bo.rdbms.IBMDB2, bo.rdbms.IBMDB2ODBC, bo.rdbms.IBMDB2Client, bo.rdbms.Microsoft, bo.rdbms.MSSQLServerOLEDB, bo.rdbms.MSSQLServerODBC, bo.rdbms.MSAccessODBC, bo.rdbms.Oracle, bo.rdbms.OracleClient, bo.vba,bo.vba.common, bo.Demos, bo.QuickTour, bo.DemoKit, bo.DesktopProducts, bo.BusinessObjects, bo.BusinessObjectsDoc, bo.BusinessObjectsHelp, bo.BusinessObjectsExplorer, bo.BusinessObjectsReporter, predefined.setup.invisible, bo.vba.en LICENSEDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Business Objects\License\" "

[spaces added after commas for readability - bk]
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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Uninstall String

C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{AB7FAA04-95E4-4562-8311-7F5DB9D5A4B9}\Setup.exe D:\apps\InstallShield Installation Information\{AB7FAA04-95E4-4562-8311-7F5DB9D5A4B9}\Setup.exe

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