
Mozy Mozy Pro

Version: 2

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Views: 4.5k  |  Created: 03/02/2011

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Deployment Tips (2)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
Command Line
MozyPro uses InnoSetup (http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php) to script and package the MozyPro client installer. InnoSetup can be called from most other installer packages and supports a number of parameters.

The following table explains the command line switches that can be used to start an installation:

Switch Definition
/SP Disables the "This will install... Do you wish to continue?" prompt at the beginning of the installation.
/SILENT Causes the installer to present only a progress bar without details and without need for user intervention.
/VERYSILENT Forces the installer to present no dialog at all. The install takes place entirely in the background. No user intervention is required.
/NORESTART If a reboot is required, the user is not prompted. By default, if a reboot is required, the user is prompted to reboot. If a restart is necessary, the /NORESTART command isn't used, and Setup is silent, the installer displays a Reboot now? message box. If set to /VERYSILENT, the installer reboots without asking.
/Lang Sets the installation language and the client language. You must use the 4 digit ISO code for the language and region, such as es-ES.
/LOG=" [path] filename" Creates a log file of the specified filename in the specified directory. If no path is specified, the log file is created in the current working directory. The default working directories are …\Program Files\MozyPro Enterprise\Data for Windows, and …/Library/Logs for Mac. The log file details installation and run actions, and is created with a unique name based on the current date. (It does not overwrite or append any existing files).
/NOCANCEL Prevents the user from canceling during the installation process.
/RESTARTEXITCODE=exit code Specifies the custom exit code that setup returns when a restart is needed.
/LOADINF="filename" Instructs Setup to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line. This file can be prepared using the /SAVEINF= command, as explained below. Make sure you enclose the filename in quotes if the filename contains spaces.
/SAVEINF="filename" Instructs Setup to save installation settings to the specified file. Make sure you enclose the filename in quotes if the filename contains spaces.
/DIR="x:\dirname" Overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select Destination Location wizard page. A fully qualified pathname must be specified.
/GROUP="folder name" Overrides the default folder name displayed on the Select Start Menu Folder wizard page.
/userproxy:PROXY Defaults MozyPro to use a specified proxy.
Usage example: /useproxy:proxyserver:80

/usemachinedefaultproxy Defaults MozyPro to use the machine's default proxy.
/autodetectproxy Defaults MozyPro to automatically detect a proxy auto- Script using DHCP or DNS.
/pacurl:URL Defaults MozyPro to use the proxy auto-configuration Script at the specified URL. If multiple proxy options are used, the last one specified takes precedence.
(NT Domains only)
Defaults MozyPro to authenticate to the proxy using the machine's credentials.
/proxyuser:USERNAME Specifies the user name used to connect to the proxy server.
/proxypass:PASSWORD Specifies the password used to connect to the proxy server.
(NT Domains only)
Defaults MozyPro to authenticate to the proxy using these credentials. If multiple proxy authentication options are specified, the last one will take precedence.
(NT Domains only)
For organizations using automatic activation, defaults the Organizational Unit, instead of looking it up from the NT Domain. The OU is used during activation to automatically select a user group for the new user in the Admin Console.
(NT Domains only)
Specifies simple, productkey, auto, or assisted to change the default activation type of the MozyPro client.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
MozyPro uses InnoSetup (http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php) to script and package the MozyPro client installer. InnoSetup can be called from most other installer packages and supports a number of parameters.

The following table explains the command line switches that can be used to start an installation:

Switch Definition
/SP Disables the "This will install... Do you wish to continue?" prompt at the beginning of the installation.
/SILENT Causes the installer to present only a progress bar without details and without need for user intervention.
/VERYSILENT Forces the installer to present no dialog at all. The install takes place entirely in the background. No user intervention is required.
/NORESTART If a reboot is required, the user is not prompted. By default, if a reboot is required, the user is prompted to reboot. If a restart is necessary, the /NORESTART command isn't used, and Setup is silent, the installer displays a Reboot now? message box. If set to /VERYSILENT, the installer reboots without asking.
/Lang Sets the installation language and the client language. You must use the 4 digit ISO code for the language and region, such as es-ES.
/LOG=" [path] filename" Creates a log file of the specified filename in the specified directory. If no path is specified, the log file is created in the current working directory. The default working directories are …\Program Files\MozyPro Enterprise\Data for Windows, and …/Library/Logs for Mac. The log file details installation and run actions, and is created with a unique name based on the current date. (It does not overwrite or append any existing files).
/NOCANCEL Prevents the user from canceling during the installation process.
/RESTARTEXITCODE=exit code Specifies the custom exit code that setup returns when a restart is needed.
/LOADINF="filename" Instructs Setup to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line. This file can be prepared using the /SAVEINF= command, as explained below. Make sure you enclose the filename in quotes if the filename contains spaces.
/SAVEINF="filename" Instructs Setup to save installation settings to the specified file. Make sure you enclose the filename in quotes if the filename contains spaces.
/DIR="x:\dirname" Overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select Destination Location wizard page. A fully qualified pathname must be specified.
/GROUP="folder name" Overrides the default folder name displayed on the Select Start Menu Folder wizard page.
/userproxy:PROXY Defaults MozyPro to use a specified proxy.
Usage example: /useproxy:proxyserver:80

/usemachinedefaultproxy Defaults MozyPro to use the machine's default proxy.
/autodetectproxy Defaults MozyPro to automatically detect a proxy auto- Script using DHCP or DNS.
/pacurl:URL Defaults MozyPro to use the proxy auto-configuration Script at the specified URL. If multiple proxy options are used, the last one specified takes precedence.
(NT Domains only)
Defaults MozyPro to authenticate to the proxy using the machine's credentials.
/proxyuser:USERNAME Specifies the user name used to connect to the proxy server.
/proxypass:PASSWORD Specifies the password used to connect to the proxy server.
(NT Domains only)
Defaults MozyPro to authenticate to the proxy using these credentials. If multiple proxy authentication options are specified, the last one will take precedence.
(NT Domains only)
For organizations using automatic activation, defaults the Organizational Unit, instead of looking it up from the NT Domain. The OU is used during activation to automatically select a user group for the new user in the Admin Console.
(NT Domains only)
Specifies simple, productkey, auto, or assisted to change the default activation type of the MozyPro client.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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