
NCP Network engineering GmbH NCP Secure Entry Client

Version: 9

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Views: 8.3k  |  Created: 11/29/2011

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Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
Type of installation package: Customized InstallShield

Download the installation files through the vendors website:

Now you need to start the installation and look into the %TEMP% folder. There must be a subfolder there another subfolder called 'Disk1' is included. Copy all included files into your deployment share.

Now you need to create a file called 'SetupExt.ini' as described below and place it into the 'Disk1' folder:
----------------------------- NCP Setup Options -----------------------------

Log Messages
Logging can optionally be activated with with the installation process.
To achieve this create a file "SetupExt.ini" within the DISK1 directory
and make sure the following entry exists in this file:

LogPath = C:\Program Files\NCP\SecureClient (sample)

Then the log file will be created when the installation starts and the
log messages will be added to the file.

NCP Silent Installation
With the "SetupExt.ini" within DISK1 a silent installation can be
performed without creating the "Setup.iss" using the InstallShield
Just proceed as follows editing your "SetupExt.ini" file:

Silent = 1
ShowStatus = 0
DisableErrorBox = 0
AcceptNcpSignCert = 1

0 = run setup normally (with user interface)
1 = run setup silent ("window less")

0 = do not show status information
1 = show status information

0 = show error message box
1 = do not show error message box

0 = The trusted status of the software driver vendor must be confirmed manually
1 = The software driver vendor is trusted

Additional setup options can be preconfigured with the "OPTIONS" section
of the "SetupExt.ini". If none of the options are specified the installation
will be performed using default settings.

Product = VPN
InstallDir = %PROGDIR%\NCP\MySilentInstallation\Secure Client
StartFolder = My NCP Silent-Installation Client
LicKey = xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
SerialNr = xxxxxxxx
DesktopIcon = 1
Firewall = 0
Logon = 0
DHCP = 0
IP-Address =
NetMask =
DefGateway =
Boot = 0

Description: The Software will be installed as a test version
with this Parameter you can enter the Product.
Values: VPN = NCP Secure Enterprise Client
Firewall = NCP Dynamic Personal Firewall
Default: VPN

Description: installation directory of the Secure Client
The following placeholders are available:
%PROGDIR% = program directory
%WINDIR% = Windows directory
Values: string
Default: %PROGDIR%\NCP\SecureClient

Description: Name of the Windows program menu for Secure Client
Values: string
Default: NCP Secure Client

LicKey / SerialNr
Description: License key and serial number of the Secure Client.
If no or invalid license information is entered the client
software will be installed as a test version.
Values: License key with '-' as separator or entered as whole number.
The serial number has to be entered in 8-digit format.
Default: Empty string

Description: Option for creating a desktop link for the client monitor.
Values: 0 = no desktop icon
1 = create desktop icon
Default: 0

Description: Option "Enable permanent firewall functionality"
(only with NCP Secure Enterprise Client)
Values: 0 = disabled
1 = enabled
Default: 0

Description: Install NCP GINA for Windows domain logon
Values: 0 = disabled
1 = enabled
Default: 0

Description: Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server
Values: 0 = specify manually
1 = use DHCP
Default: 1

IP-Address / NetMask / DefGateway / DNS
Description: With manual specification selected for the DHCP parameter
(= no DHCP) the IP addresses to be used have to entered
Values: IP addresses
Default: Empty string

Description: Defines if the system has to be rebooted after the
Values: 0 = no reboot
1 = reboot automatically
Default: 0


After this, you just need to call the 'setup.exe' file to start the installation process.

One more thing... If the installation still asked about the installation language, you need change the Line "EnableLangDlg=Y" to "EnableLangDlg=N" in the setup.ini file located in the Disk1 Folder.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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