
Verint (formerly Mercom Systems) AudioLog

Version: 4

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Views: 5.7k  |  Created: 07/28/2008

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Deployment Tips (3)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
To create a silent install you must perform a manual install on a test workstation.

Run setup.exe and allow installation of the prerequisites:

Verint Screen Recording Support 4.0.3
Verint SDK 10.0.122
Verint Playback SDK
Microsoft Speech API 4.0
Microsoft Text To Speech Engine 4.0

Click next and the main AudiologClient 4.0.7 will be copies locally.

Go to your temp file and you will see a folder (dated the current date/time) open it and you will see all the prerequisites in their respective subfolders as msi or self extracting cab packages, and the main audiolog client msi in the main folder. (If you're unsure do a search for msi's dated today)

copy all of those off to a temporary spot.

Create standard silent msi packages for each prerequisites.
For the Microsoft Text to Speech packages, if you already have the packages, then skip or create a package to install with the /Q flags.

For the main install it's a straight forward msi. I used my deployment wizard to select what I needed to install and it accepts the standard msi properties (ie. INSTALLDIR)

The only caveat is that you MUST ensure that your ADDLOCAL property has value AlwaysInstall. For some reason my wizard did not add that on it's own (e.g. ADDLOCAL=AlwaysInstall,PlayerClient,MonitorClient)

Ensure that your main msi has package dependencies to install the prerequisites first or ensure that you distribute those prerequisites before firing the main install.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Caution: Verint customer support isn't too swift.

I need to know the available silent install parameters for the audiolog client install (setup.exe)

We are trying to create a silent package from your E:\AL Desktop V.4 SP2\Audiolog Client Installation

Specifically we only want to install the

Player client
Monitor client
AMC client
Change the install directory to point at our d:\ instead. (ie INSTALDIR=”d:\program files\)

In addition we need to know how to install the prerequisites silently as well.


You would need to contact your reseller for this information.

Contact Center Analyst - Americas
Witness Actionable Solutions
Verint Systems

LMAO while I'm at it why don't I go to the corner store to demand the clerk tell me how they get the caramel in the caramilk bar because the manufacturer itself has no clue!?
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Caution: Verint customer support isn't too swift.

I need to know the available silent install parameters for the audiolog client install (setup.exe)

We are trying to create a silent package from your E:\AL Desktop V.4 SP2\Audiolog Client Installation

Specifically we only want to install the

Player client
Monitor client
AMC client
Change the install directory to point at our d:\ instead. (ie INSTALDIR=”d:\program files\)

In addition we need to know how to install the prerequisites silently as well.


You would need to contact your reseller for this information.

Contact Center Analyst - Americas
Witness Actionable Solutions
Verint Systems

LMAO while I'm at it why don't I go to the corner store to demand the clerk tell me how they get the caramel in the caramilk bar because the manufacturer itself has no clue!?
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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