Always start Re-packager in a clean VDI(Uninstall unwanted software and make it as repackaging build before capturing)
Analyze application completely with the available documents and note the behavior of the source completely.
Always install the dependency application before start capturing the main application.
Search for the exclusion list of files and add that lists to exclusion template.(.log, .temp ,.reg, .iss, .isu, setup files)
Always have a backup of newly created .ism file
Never use hard coded path in MSI/MST.
Compare captured .ini files with the source
.ini files should be in ini files section and don’t keep any configuration file as key path.(.mdb, .ini,.dat, .bat)
Feature should not contain any empty components
Every component should have key path
Any files going to user profile should have an HKCU key as it key path.
Check the entries made by the application.
Ensure files are installed to respective folders and compare this with the source installation.
When importing any registry key ensure that it is going under respective hive.