
Common Dependencies for Ampagent on Linux

having had to play with Linux for a few days now I figured I'd post a quick list of dependencies I've had to install on my Linux Red Hat servers and what the command is. Hopefully this Helps some of you out. Most of these can be installed on other versions of Linux as well by swapping yum or rpm out with your OS's install of choice (i.e. apt -get)

lpstat: lpstat displays status information about the current classes, jobs, and printers. When run with no arguments, lpstat will list jobs queued by the current user.

lpstat command: sudo rpm install cups cups-client lpr

libstdc++: libstdc++ is the standard c++ library

libstdc++ command: sudo yum install libstdc++.so.6

libgcc_s.so.l: GCC's runtime library, which contains some low-level functions that GCC emits calls to (like long long division on 32-bit CPUs).

libgcc_s.so.l command: sudo yum install libgcc_s.so.l

libc.so.6: This is the standard C library

libc.so.6 command: sudo yum install libc.so.6

dos2unix: I installed this because my cacert.pem had some issues so I borrowed a working one from a Windows server and wanted to be sure everything worked right

dos2unix command: sudo yum install dos2unix

These are all I had to deal with - if anyone else had dependencies they had to install feel free to comment them below.


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