
Create dedicated KBE's to capture wim's and store externally for K2000 version 3.5

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Do you want to easily be able to store your WIM's external from the k2000?  We use our site SAN's to store and deploy wim images via windows shares.

In version 3.4


Now for 3.5 mods

The deployment part is easy, all you need to do is create a preinstallion task to remap to the server.

start /wait net use t: /delete
start /wait net use t: \\dr-main.tmccadmn.tmcc.edu\image$ Password /user:tmccadmn\user
start /wait net use w: /delete
start /wait net use w: \\dr-main.tmccadmn.tmcc.edu\image$ Password /user:tmccadmn\user

or to a non domain server

start /wait net use t: /delete
start /wait net use t: \\\images$ password /user:server\user
start /wait net use w: /delete
start /wait net use w: \\\images$ password /user:server\user

The capture part is the pain, but we can automate that.

On your tech station that you have the waik, kbe_man and media manager installed on:

Download the KNIT 3.4 zip file from kace


(you need an account from Kace)

unzip the download, in the "update files" directory you will see a bin file (wimcap_addon.21006php.bin)

open that bin file with 7-zip and extract the wimcap_addon.21006PHP.bin\wimcap_addon.21006PHP\upgrade\capture_wim.hta.php file.

Use notepad and edit that file and change  window.resizeTo 400,280 to  window.resizeTo 500,380 in the file.  Save that file as wim_cap.hta

copy wim_cap.hta to ...\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing and ...\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing

use the KBE_man to create a new boot env named something that makes sense to you.  I used DrMain32Capture, DrMain64Capture, MSAcad32Capture, etc

when it asks if you want to add custom lines say yes and use the 5 lines like below, modified for you environment.

net use t: /delete
net use t: \\\images$ password /user:dr-acad\user
net use w: \\\images$ password /user:dr-acad\user
mshta x:\servicing\wim_cap.hta


this will boot and start the capture window like in 3.4 days


  • Another great blog, thanks for helping us get this feature back. - nheyne 11 years ago
    • http://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82717-k2000/suggestions/3038498-make-windows-share-imaging-hack-a-standard-feature - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • After looking into this, I found the capture_wim.hta on both the K2000 and RSA under peinst. Is that file different than the one that gets extracted from the KNIT in your instructions? - nheyne 11 years ago
    • then this will work also
      http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/do-you-want-to-store-your-wim-s-externally-with-k2000-v3-5-like-we-did-with-3-4 - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • Great tip. I would like to point out that capture_wim.hta is simply a GUI for imagex. You can create your own imagex batch scripts to run natively in KBE. Also, this is a great tool to run from petemp: http://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit-tools/gimagex/ - mpace 11 years ago
    • Just for referencing purposes. I'm told that as of this date, gimagex does not work with Windows 8. - cserrins 11 years ago
      • Yep, imagex has been replaced by DISM with Win 8. - mpace 11 years ago
  • I still use imagex for 8.1 The only thing is you get a list of unable to copy extended attributes errors, but it images and deploys. I have not noticed any problems either with this yet but as staff in the dept cut over I will montior possible bugs using imagex yet. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
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